The Life of St. Mochuda of Lismore eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 72 pages of information about The Life of St. Mochuda of Lismore.

The Life of St. Mochuda of Lismore eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 72 pages of information about The Life of St. Mochuda of Lismore.

A child born of secret adultery was abandoned close by the monastery of Rahen and Mochuda fostered the child until he became a bishop, though no one knew his name or his progenitors.  Mochuda said:—­“This child’s name is Dioma and his father is Cormac of the race of Eochaidh Eachach.”  All thereupon magnified the foreknowledge of Mochuda, which he had from no other than the Holy Spirit.  Having consecrated him bishop, Mochuda instructed him:  “Go in haste to your own native region of Hy-Eachach in the southern confines of Munster for there will your resurrection be.  War and domestic strife shall arise among your race and kinsfolk unless you arrive there soon to prevent it.”  Dioma set out, accompanied by another bishop, Cuana by name, who was also a disciple of Mochuda’s.  They travelled into Ibh Eachach and Dioma preached the word of God to his brethren and tribesmen.  He made peace between them and they built a monastery for him and he placed himself, his kindred, and parish under his chosen master, Mochuda, and he ended his life (there) in peace.

On another occasion Mochuda travelled from Rahen to the provinces of Munster and entered Ciarraighe Corca.  It happened that Cairbre Mac Criomhthain, who was king of Munster, was at that time in Magh-Cuirce, the place to which Mochuda came.  At the same time there fell a fire ball which destroyed one of the king’s residences, killing his wife, many of his people and his son, Aodh Mac Cairbre, who were buried in the falling ruin.  There were killed there moreover two good carriage horses of the king’s.  Cairbre besought Mochuda that he would restore the queen and his son to life, and when the saint saw the king’s faith he prayed for him to God and then addressing the dead he said,—­“Arise.”  They arose thereupon and he gave them safe to the king and they all gave glory and thanks to God and Mochuda.  The king moreover made large offerings of land and servile tenants to Mochuda.  But one of the tenants, through pride and jealousy, refused to obey Mochuda, notwithstanding the king’s command.  Mochuda said:  “Your posterity will die out and their inheritance, for sake of which you (mis)behave towards me, shall become mine for ever; whosoever takes from me that which another has given me shall be deprived of heaven and earth.”  That man and his posterity soon came to nought.

On another occasion Mochuda sent a golden belt to Fergus Mac Criomhthan who suffered from uncleanness of skin arising from kidney disease and upon application of the girdle, by the blessing of Mochuda he recovered.

Another time again a king of Munster, Cathal Mac Aodha, in the region of Cuirche, was a sufferer from a combination of complaints—­he was deaf, lame, and blind, and when Mochuda came to see him the king and his friends prayed the saint to cure him.  Mochuda therefore prayed for him and made the sign of the cross on his eyes and ears and immediately he was healed of all his maladies—­he heard and

Project Gutenberg
The Life of St. Mochuda of Lismore from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.