Gra. Sirra, stay, ile combat thee in his defence.
Serv. Sir, be pacifical, the impotent must be lightly regarded.
Grac. Give me leave Gentlemen, ile follow him.
Scil. Nay, I pray you be malcontented, I have no great hurt, but in revenge hee’s a rascall for using me so; he may thank God, discretion governed me, tis wel known I have always bene a man of peace; ile not strike yee the least mouse in anger, nor hurt the poorest Conney that goes in the street, for I know of fighting comes quarrelling, of quarrelling comes brawling, and of brawling growes hard words, and as the learned puerelis[259] writes, tis good sleeping in a whole skin.
Grac. Sir, your discretion shall governe me at this time. Your name, I pray ye sir?
Scil. My name is signior Scillicet.
Grac. Even so sir? nay, sir, I doe not forget your Argument.
Enter Accutus.
Acut. Save ye, sir, saw ye not a Gentleman come this way even now, somewhat hurt in one of his Legges?
Scil. He went by even now, sir; is he a friend of yours?
Acu. A deare friend, and a propper Gentleman, sir.
Scil. By the horison hee’s a propper man indeede, he gave me the time of day as he went by, I have a gallon of wine for him at any time. If ye see anything in me worth Commendations, I pray ye commend me to him.
Acut. I will sir;—twere best you gave me good words, but ile trie ye farther yet;—fare ye well, sir.
Scil. I pray you remember me to him.—You see my anger is over already. [Exit[260] Acutus.
Grac. Would ye not strike him? lets followe.
Scil. Indeede ye shall not, I hate it.
Ser. I will not be barren of my armorie, in my future perambulation for the lower element.
Grac. You are too patient in wrongs, sir.—Zoundes I know not how to picke a quarrell.
Serv. Sir, the grievous youth is inwardlye possest of a supple spirit, he can brooke impugnying, but tis adverse to my spirit if I were armed.
Enter Accutus.
Accut. Save ye, gallants, sawe ye not a fellowe come halting this way of late?
Scil. Hath he done any hurt, or is hee a friend of yours?
Acut. Hee’s a Rascall and ile maintaine him so.
Scil. Hee’s a verie Rascall indeede, and he used mee like a knave: if ere I meete him, I shall hardly put it up; I have it in blacke and blue to shew heere.
Serv. Say, I breath defyance to his front.
Acut. Challenge him the field.
Scil. Doos’t thinke heele answere me? I’l challenge him at the pich-fork, or the Flaile, or ile wrastle a fall with him for a bloody nose; anye weapon I have bene brought up in ile—