A Collection of Old English Plays, Volume 4 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 342 pages of information about A Collection of Old English Plays, Volume 4.

A Collection of Old English Plays, Volume 4 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 342 pages of information about A Collection of Old English Plays, Volume 4.

    Enter Duke of Saxon, Euphrata, and Julia.

Hat.  Welcome, thrice welcome, our renowned brother. 
Loe, at thy feete the Cittizens of Meath,
By us their Agents, do lay downe the keyes,
And[173] by this crownet and sword resign’d
The state Maiestique to your Princely hands,
Discended to you by our brothers death.

Duke.  Then with your loves and persons we receive it.—­ Is then our brother the Archbishop dead?

Hat.  Too true, my Lord.

Euph.  I am sorry for my Uncle.

Hat.  And of a death so publique by reporte.

Al.  Devour’d by Rats, in strange and wonderous sort.

Duke.  Could not this palace seated in the Rheine,
In midst of the great River, (to the which
No bridge, nor convay, other then by boats
Was to be had,) free him from vermine Rats?

Alf.  Against their kind the land Rats took the water
And swomme in little armies to the house;
And, though we drown’d and kild innumerable,
Their numbers were like Hydra’s heads increasing;
Ruine bred more untill our brother died.

Duke.  The house is execrable; Ile not enter.

Hat.  You need not feare, my Lord; the house is free
From all resort of Rats; for at his death,
As if a trumpet sounded a retreat,
They made a kind of murmure and departed.

Duke.  Sure ’twas the hand of heaven, for his contempt Of his poore creatures.—­But what writs are those?

Hat.  Commissions (if it please your grace,) for glasse, For yron Mines, and other needful things.

Duke.  Our selfe invested in the government, The Cities care shall lie upon your care.

Hat.  Alfred our brother may awaite your grace In Saxony, so please you to command.

Duke.  We are now but three, and lately have bin seven,
We have cause to love each other; for my part,
Betweene you both we give a brothers heart. 
Here or at Saxonie, command at pleasure;
I weare the corronet, be yours the treasure.

Al.  We thanke our brother.

Duke.  Where’s my sonne Fredericke?

    Enter Fredericke with a glove.

Fre.  Father, the state of Meath desire your grace To take the paines to passe unto the Senate.

Duke.  What glove is that, son Fred., in your hand?

Fre.  I found it, if it please your Excellence, Neere to the state-house:  the imbroiderie Is very excellent, and the fashion rare.

Duke.  I have not seene a prettier forme of hand.  Daughter, let’s see; is’t not too bigge for you?

Euph.  Sure ’tis some admirable worke of nature, If it fit any hand that owes[174] this glove, If all the rest doe parallel the hand.

Project Gutenberg
A Collection of Old English Plays, Volume 4 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.