12. The Child and His Religion, Dawson, University of Chicago Press. $.75.
13. Child Nature and Child Nurture, St. John, Pilgrim Press. $.50.
14. The Problem of Boyhood, Johnson, University of Chicago Press. $1.00.
15. The Function of the Family and the Recovery of the Home, American Baptist Pub. Soc. Each, $.15.
16. The Dawn of Character, Mumford, Longsman, Green & Co. $1.20.
17. Peril and Preservation of the Home, Jacob Riis, Jacobs Co., Philadelphia. $1.00.
18. Training of the Girl and Training of the
Boy, McKeever, Macmillan.
Each, $1.50.
19. The Moral Conditions and Development of the
Child, Wright, Jennings
& Graham. $.75.
20. Marriage and Genetics, Reed, Galton Press, Cincinnati, Ohio. $1.00.
21. The Coming Generation, Forbush, D. Appleton & Co., New York. $1.50.
22. Stories and Story Telling, St. John Eaton and Main. $.35.
23. Our Child Today and Tomorrow, Grunenburg, Lippincott. $1.25.
24. Misunderstood Children, Harrison. $1.23.
25. Town and City, Jewett, Ginn & Co. $.50.
26. After Twenty Years, Middleton. $1.25.
27. Training of the Human Plant, Burbank. $.60.
28. Education, Resources of Rural and Village Communities, J.K. Mart $1.00.
29. Being Well Born, Guyer. $1.00.
30. Growth in Education, Dr. John M. Tyler, Houghton, Mifflin Co. $1.50.