Read carefully the foregoing lecture on “Growth During the High School Age,” by Dr. Tyler, for all these succeeding lessons.
1. What steps have ever been taken in your community to provide for proper athletic sports for the young? What success came of these efforts?
2. Give two reasons why wholesome physical recreation is necessary for growing children.
3. What games and sports do you consider best for boys? For girls? Why?
4. What dangers come from uncontrolled athletics?
5. What do you think about the value of school athletics that develop only a team?
6. What can be done, (1) by the parents, (2) by communities,
(a) To provide for wholesome games and sports for all the children?
(b) To provide proper leadership and supervision of these things?
(c) To regulate the excesses and check evils of the athletic spirit?
(d) To provide proper places in which to play?
1. During what years does the desire to be with “the crowd” manifest itself most strongly in boys and girls?
2. What difficulties come to the parents in the management of boys and girls during this time?
3. In what ways can parents best exercise control over the companionships of their children during this vital period?
4. In what ways can the social needs of boys and girls be provided for in the home?
5. How far can and should parents go in participating in the pastimes of their children? What can be done to keep up the spirit of companionship between parents and children?
6. What can communities do to put down the “street corner” habits and the “hoodlumism” that comes of the boy gangs?
7. What pastimes and practices can be fostered to bring about a higher-minded companionship among young people?
1. What are the first indications that our home is losing its hold upon our boy? Our girl?
2. What influences are at work in each instance?
3. Is it because conditions outside the home offer more, or is the home offering less of that which the boy or girl desires?
4. When you find your boy going to the pool room do you throw his deck of cards into the fire and advise him as to what will happen if he attempts to use such things in or about the house?
5. When your girl shows a preference for taking her leisure at Smith’s or Brown’s rather than at home, do you at once adopt a code of rules and proceed to make emphatic statements as to your intention to enforce those rules and also to impose certain penalties?