“The de-sert shall re-joice, and blos-som as the rose.”—Isaiah XXXV. I.
Be-hold the flow-ers of June! how fair
And bright their buds ap-pear,
As, open-ing to the sum-mer air,
Our eyes and hearts they cheer!
Who would have thought there could a-bound
Such beau-ty and de-light
Be-neath the cold and win-try ground
That hid those flow-ers from sight?
That pow-er which made and governs all—
The might-y pow-er of God—
A-lone could life and beau-ty call
Out of the life-less sod.
And He, who from the Win-ter’s gloom
Can Sum-mer thus dis-close,
Shall one day make the de-sert bloom,
And blos-som as the rose.
[Illustration: “Where’s Dick-ey?”]
“Where’s Dick-ey?”
“Look there!” lit-tle Lot-ty cried,
“Dick-ey’s cage is o-pen wide,
And, I fear, he’s not in-side. Cou-sin
Do please stand up-on this chair,
Just to see if he is there.
Pret-ty Dick, I won-der where
You are gone!
“Naugh-ty puss, your jaws, you lick!
Have you eat-en lit-tle Dick?
That would be a cru-el trick! No, I see
Pret-ty Dick has flown a-way,
And is sing-ing blithe and gay,
Sit-ting yon-der on a spray
Of the tree.
“Well, I too should think it wrong,
If a gi-ant, tall and strong,
Just to hear my lit-tle song ev-ery day,
Shut me in a cage; and yet
Thus I did my lit-tle pet—–
So he must be glad to get
Safe a-way.”
Says Hu-bert, “Look, how fast it pours!
I’m sure we can’t go out of doors
While it is rain-ing thus;
So let us in the nur-se-ry stay,
To have a mer-ry game, and play
At driv-ing om-ni-bus.
“Flo-ra and Ted-dy, you must be
The horses, and be driv-en by me.
Mind you go stea-dy—do!
A place for Char-lie we shall find;
To guard the ’bus he’ll ride be-hind,
And take the mon-ey too.
“Dick, with pa-pa’s old hat to wear,
Looks just the thing to be a fare
Who wants to ride with us.
Jump up, sir! Six-pence all the way!
Gee, gee, you horses! Gee, I say!”—
Off goes the om-ni-bus!
[Illustration: With wings scarce mov-ing, through the sky, The lazy Kite is seen to fly.]
[Illustration: The Kan-ga-roo a poc-ket wears, In which her lit-tle ones she bears.]
[Illustration: The Liz-ard in the sun’s warm rays De-lights to bask on summer days.]
[Illustration: The Lam-prey, in the Se-vern caught, Was once the first of dain-ties thought.]
[Illustration: Playing at omnibus.]
[Illustration: On the Water.]