The Infant's Delight: Poetry eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 24 pages of information about The Infant's Delight.

The Infant's Delight: Poetry eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 24 pages of information about The Infant's Delight.

If your mam-ma ate too much cake,
  She would be very poor-ly too,
And nas-ty phy-sic have to take;
  And, lit-tle dol-ly, so must you.

[Illustration:  Those who the South-ern O-cean cross, Meet with the wide-wing-ed Al-ba-tross.]

[Illustration:  In ri-vers near the hot E-qua-tor, Lives the huge, sca-ly Al-li-ga-tor.]

[Illustration:  In north-ern snows, the Po-lar Bear, ’Mid glit-ter-ing ice-bergs makes his lair.]

[Illustration:  In shel-ter-ed nooks, by ri-ver-sides, The strange-ly-beard-ed Bar-bel hides.]

[Illustration:  The Sick Doll.]

[Illustration:  Little rose’s Valentine.]



This lit-tle Lamb was brought to Nell
  The day its old ewe mo-ther died,
And, now it knows and loves her well,
  It will not go from Nel-ly’s side. 
A-long the hall, and up the stair,
  You hear its lit-tle pat-ter-ing toes: 
Her Pet will fol-low every-where
  A-bout the house, where Nel-ly goes.



The post-man has been, dear mam-ma,
  And has brought me a let-ter so fine;
And Su-san has one, but it is not, by far,
  So pret-ty a let-ter as mine. 
And, pray, will you read it to me,
  Mam-ma, if I give you a kiss? 
I wish very much to know who it can be
  That has sent me a let-ter like this.


To the lot of our dear lit-tle Rose
  We trust every bless-ing may fall;
And this is the prayer and the fond hope of those
  Who love her most dear-ly of all.

So now, lit-tle Rose, can you guess
  Who sent you this let-ter by post?


Oh, yes, dear mam-ma, I can tell you; oh, yes! 
  For you, and pa-pa, love me most.

Your hea-ven-ly Fa-ther feed-eth them.”

God loves His lit-tle birds; for all
  His ten-der care He shows;
A sin-gle spar-row can-not fall
  But its Cre-a-tor knows.

They do not sow, nor reap the corn,
  Gar-ner nor barn have they;
God gives them break-fast every morn,
  And feeds them through the day.

And this we know; for in His Word,
  Where all His ways we read,
We find that eve-ry lit-tle bird
  He cares for, and will feed.

God loves each lit-tle bird; but still
  More ten-der is His care
For chil-dren who o-bey His will,
  Than for the fowls of air.

[Illustration:  Your heavenly father FEEDETH themMatt. vi. 26.]

[Illustration:  Plough-ing.]


Project Gutenberg
The Infant's Delight: Poetry from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.