between the towns Illiturgi and Mentissa. The
entrance of this defile Nero seized, and Hasdrubal,
to prevent his being shut up in it, sent a herald
to engage that, if he were allowed to depart thence,
he would convey the whole of his army out of Spain.
The Roman general having received this proposition
gladly, Hasdrubal requested the next day for a conference,
when the Romans might draw up conditions relative
to the surrender of the citadels of the towns, and
the appointment of a day on which the garrisons might
be withdrawn, and the Carthaginians might remove every
thing belonging to them without imposition. Having
obtained his point in this respect, Hasdrubal gave
orders that as soon as it was dark, and during the
whole of the night afterwards, the heaviest part of
his force should get out of the defile by whatever
way they could. The strictest care was taken
that many should not go out that night, that the very
fewness of their numbers might both be more adapted
to elude the notice of the enemy from their silence,
and to an escape through confined and rugged paths.
Next day they met for the conference; but that day
having been spent, on purpose, in speaking and writing
about a variety of subjects, which were not to this
point, the conference was put off to the next day.
The addition of the following night gave him time
to send still more out; nor was the business concluded
the next day. Thus several days were spent in
openly discussing conditions, and as many nights in
privately sending the Carthaginian troops out of their
camp; and after the greater part of the army had been
sent out, he did not even keep to those terms which
he had himself proposed; and his sincerity decreasing
with his fears, they became less and less agreed.
By this time nearly all the infantry had cleared the
defile, when at daybreak a dense mist enveloped the
whole defile and the neighbouring plains; which Hasdrubal
perceiving, sent to Nero to put off the conference
to the following day, as the Carthaginians held that
day sacred from the transaction of any serious business.
Not even then was the cheat suspected. Hasdrubal
having gained the indulgence he sought for that day
also, immediately quitted his camp with his cavalry
and elephants, and without creating any alarm escaped
to a place of safety. About the fourth hour the
mist, being dispelled by the sun, left the atmosphere
clear, when the Romans saw that the camp of the enemy
was deserted. Then at length Claudius, recognising
the Carthaginian perfidy, and perceiving that he had
been caught by trickery, immediately began to pursue
the enemy as they moved off, prepared to give battle;
but they declined fighting. Some skirmishes,
however, took place between the rear of the Carthaginians
and the advanced guard of the Romans.