baseness by recompensing those whom he had formerly
betrayed, by fresh betrayal. That a man whose
custom it was to espouse one side, while his heart
was on another, was unworthy of confidence as an ally,
and contemptible as an enemy; that he ought to be made
a third example to deserters, in addition to the betrayers
of Falerii and Pyrrhus.” On the other hand,
Fabius, the father of the consul, observed, that,
“forgetful of circumstances, men were apt to
exercise a free judgment on every question in the
heat of war, as in time of peace; for though in the
present instance that which ought rather to form the
object of their endeavours and to occupy their thoughts,
is by what means it may be brought about that none
of the allies may revolt from the Roman people, yet
that they never think of; but, on the contrary, they
urge that an example ought to be made of any who might
repent and look back upon their former alliance.
But if it is allowable to forsake the Romans, and
not allowable to return to them, who can doubt but
that in a short time the Romans, deserted by their
allies, will see every state in Italy united in leagues
with the Carthaginians. Not, however, that he
was of opinion that any confidence was to be reposed
in Altinius, but he would invent some middle course
of proceeding. Treating him neither as an enemy
nor as a friend for the present, his wish was, that
he should be kept during the war in some city whose
fidelity could be relied on, at a short distance from
the camp, in a state of easy restraint; and that when
the war was concluded, they should then deliberate
whether he more deserved to be punished for his former
defection, or pardoned for his present return.”
The opinion of Fabius was approved of. Altinius
was bound in chains and given into custody, together
with his companions, and a large quantity of gold
which he brought with him was ordered to be kept for
him. He was kept at Cales, where, during the day,
he was unconfined, but attended by guards who locked
him up at night. He was first missed and inquired
for at his house at Arpi. but afterwards, when the
report of his absence had spread through the city,
a violent sensation was excited, as if they had lost
their leader, and, from the apprehension of some attempt
to alter the present state of things, messengers were
immediately despatched to Hannibal. With this
the Carthaginian was far from being displeased, both
because he had long regarded the man himself with
suspicion, as one of doubtful fidelity, and because
he had now been lucky enough to get a pretext for
possessing himself of the property of so wealthy a
person. But that the world might suppose that
he had yielded to resentment more than to avarice,
he added cruelty to rapacity; for he summoned his wife
and children to the camp, and after having made inquiry,
first, respecting the flight of Altinius, and then,
touching the quantity of gold and silver which was
left at his house, and informed himself on all these
points, he burned them alive.