Phantom Fortune, a Novel eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 663 pages of information about Phantom Fortune, a Novel.

Phantom Fortune, a Novel eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 663 pages of information about Phantom Fortune, a Novel.

John Hammond was going to London to work for a position in the world, to strive and labour among the seething mass of strugglers, all pressing onward for the same goal—­independence, wealth, renown.  Little as Mary know of the world by experience, she had at least heard the wiseacres talk; and that which she had heard was calculated to depress rather than to inspire industrious youth.  She had heard how the professions were all over-crowded:  how a mighty army of young men were walking the hospitals, all intent on feeling the pulses and picking the pockets of the rising generation:  how at the Bar men were growing old and grey before they saw their first brief:  how competitors were elbowing and hustling each other upon every road, thronging at every gate.  And while masculine youth strove and wrestled for places in the race, aunts and sisters and cousins were pressing into the same arena, doing their best to crowd out the uncles and the brothers and the nephews.

‘Poor Jack,’ sighed Mary, ’at the worst we can go to the Red River country and grow corn.’

This was her favourite fancy, that she and her lover should find their first dwelling in the new world, live as humbly as the peasants lived round Grasmere, and patiently wait upon fortune.  And yet that would not be happiness, unless Maulevrier were to come and stay with them every autumn.  Nothing could reconcile Mary to being separated from Maulevrier for any lengthened period.

There were hours in which she was more hopeful, and defied the wiseacres.  Clever young men had succeeded in the past—­clever men whose hair was not yet grey had come to the front in the present.  Granted that these were the exceptional men, the fine flower of humanity.  Did she not know that John Hammond was as far above average youth as Helvellyn was above yonder mound in her grandmother’s shrubbery?

Yes, he would succeed in literature, in politics, in whatever career he had chosen for himself.  He was a man to do the thing he set himself to do, were it ever so difficult.  To doubt his success would be to doubt his truth and his honesty; for he had sworn to her he would make her life bright and happy, and that evil days should never come to her; and he was not the man to promise that which he was not able to perform.

The house seemed terribly dull now that the two young men were gone.  There was an oppressive silence in the rooms which had lately resounded with Maulevrier’s frank, boyish laughter, and with his friend’s deep, manly tones—­a silence broken only by the click of Fraeulein Mueller’s needles.

The Fraeulein was not disposed to be sympathetic or agreeable about Lady Mary’s engagement.  Firstly, she had not been consulted about it.  The thing had been done, she considered, in an underhand manner; and Lady Maulevrier, who had begun by strenuously opposing the match, had been talked over in a way that proved the latent weakness of that great lady’s character.  Secondly, Miss Mueller, having herself for some reason missed such joys as are involved in being wooed and won, was disposed to look sourly upon all love affairs, and to take a despondent view of all matrimonial engagements.

Project Gutenberg
Phantom Fortune, a Novel from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.