Babylonian and Assyrian Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about Babylonian and Assyrian Literature.

Babylonian and Assyrian Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about Babylonian and Assyrian Literature.
     of Phoenicia and Arvad
87 on the sea-coast—­silver, gold, tin, copper, kam of copper,
     vestments of wool and linen, pagutu[43] great and small,
88 strong timber, wood of ki[44] teeth of dolphins, the produce
     of the sea, I received as their tribute:  my yoke they accepted;
     the mountains of Amanus[45] I ascended; wood for
89 pines, box, cypress, li-wood, I cut down; I offered sacrifices
     for my gods; a trophy[46] of victory I made, and in a
     central place I erected it;
90 gusuri-wood, cedar wood from Amanus I destined for
     and my pleasure house called Azmaku, for the temple
     of the Moon and Sun the exalted gods.
91 I proceeded to the land of Iz-mehri, and took possession
     of it throughout:  I cut down beams for bridges of mehri
     trees, and carried them to Nineveh; (and)
92 to Istar Lady of Nineveh (on) my knees I knelt.[47] In the
     eponym of Samas-nuri[48] in the honor of the great Lord
     Assur my Lord on the 20th of April[49]
93 from Calach I withdrew—­crossed the Tigris—­descended
     to the land of Kipani, and there, in the city of Huzirina,
     received the tribute of the governors of its cities.
94 While stationed at Huzirana I received the tribute of
     Ittiel of Nilaya, Giridadi of Assaya, in silver
95 gold, oxen, sheep.  In those days I received the tribute in
     beams for bridges, cedar wood, silver, gold of Qatuzili
96 of Commagene[50]—­withdrew from Huzirina and took my
     way upward along the banks of the Euphrates; to Kubbu.[51]
97 I crossed over into the midst of the towns of Assa in
     Kirkhi over against Syria.  The cities of Umalie and
98 powerful cities centrally situated in Adani I captured; numbers
     of their soldiers I slew; spoil beyond reckoning
99 I carried off; the towns I overthrew and demolished; 150
     cities of their territory I burned with fire; then from Khiranu
100 I withdrew; I passed over to the environs of the land of
     Amadani; I went down among the cities of Dirrie, and
     the cities within the lands of
101 Amadani and Arquanie I burned with fire:  Mallanu which
     is in the middle of Arquanie I took as my own possession;
     I withdrew from Mallanu
102 to the cities of Zamba on the sandy outskirt, which I
     burned with fire:  I passed the river Sua, proceeding up
     to the Tigris whose cities
103 on those banks and on these banks of the Tigris in Arkanie
     to a heap I reduced:  its waters overflowed all Kirkhi:  my
     yoke they took;
104 their hostages I exacted; a Viceroy of my own I appointed
     over them:  in the environs of the land of Amadani I
     arrived:  at Barza-Nistun
105 To Dandamusa the fortified city of Ilani son
Project Gutenberg
Babylonian and Assyrian Literature from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.