Babylonian and Assyrian Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about Babylonian and Assyrian Literature.

Babylonian and Assyrian Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about Babylonian and Assyrian Literature.
     drew back and accepted my yoke; tribute of silver, gold,
79 copper, kam of copper, vestments of wool, horses, oxen,
     sheep, goats, in addition to what I had before settled, I imposed
     upon them; a Viceroy
80 in Kalach I created.  While in the land of Zamue I was
     stationed the cities Khudunai, Khartisai, Khutiskai Kirzanai
81 were overwhelmed by fear of the advance of Assur my
     Lord; impost, tribute, silver, gold, horses, vestments of
     wool, oxen, sheep, goats, they brought to me; the rebel
82 fled from before my arms; they fled to the mountains; I
     marched after them; within confines of the land of Aziru
     they settled and got ready the city of Mizu as their strong
83 the land of Aziru I overthrew and destroyed; from Zimaki
     as far as the Turnat I scattered their corpses; 500 of their
     fighting men I destroyed;
84 their spoil in abundance I carried off. 
     In those days in the land of Samua, (in which is) the
     city of Atlila which Zibir King of Kardunias had taken,
85 and reduced to a heap of ruins, I Assur-nasir-pal King of
     Assyria took, after laying siege to its castle a second time;
     the palace as a residence for My Majesty I therein strengthened,
     made princely and enlarged beyond what of old was
86 the wheat and barleys of the land of Kalibi I accumulated
     therein; I gave it the name of Dur-Assur. 
     On the first of May in the eponym of Sanmapakid[12] I
     collected my chariots and soldiers
87 the Tigris I crossed; to the land of Commagene I passed
     on; I inaugurated a palace in the city of Tiluli; the tribute
     due from Commagene I received; from Commagene I
88 I passed on to the land of the Istarat;[13] in the city of Kibaki
     I halted; from Kibaki I received oxen, sheep, goats,
     and copper; from Kibaki I withdrew;
89 to the city of Mattyati I drew nigh; I took possession of
     the land of Yatu with the town Kapranisa; 2,800 of their
     fighting men I smote down with my weapons; their spoil
     in abundance I carried off;
90 the rebels who had fled from before my arms now accepted
     my yoke; of their cities I left them in possession; tribute
     impost and an officer[14] over them I set;
91 an image of my person I made; collected laws I wrote upon
     it and in the city of Mattiyati I placed it; from Mattiyati I
     withdrew; at the city of Zazabuka
92 I halted; the tribute of Calach in oxen, sheep, goats and
     various copper articles I received; from Zazabuka I withdrew;
93 at the city of Irzia I made a halt; that city I burned; but
     received there the tributes due from Zura in oxen, sheep,
     goats and kam copper: 
Project Gutenberg
Babylonian and Assyrian Literature from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.