When he entered the ranch house the big room was a scene of much arm stretching and yawning as the outlaws dressed. Lee Haines was already dressed. Buck smiled ironically.
“I say, Lee,” he said, “you look sort of used up this mornin’, eh?”
The long rider scowled.
“I’d make a guess you’ve not had much sleep, Haines,” went on Buck. “Your eyes is sort of hollow.”
“Not as hollow as your damned lying heart!”
“Drop that!” commanded Silent. “You hold a grudge like a woman, Lee! How was the watch, Buck? Are you all in?”
“Nothin’ come up the valley, an’ here I am at sunrise,” said Buck. “I reckon that speaks for itself.”
“It sure does,” said Silent, “but the gal and her father are kind of slow this mornin’. The old man generally has a fire goin’ before dawn is fairly come. There ain’t no sign of smoke now.”
“Maybe he’s sleepin’ late after the excitement of yesterday,” said Bill Kilduff. “You must of thrown some sensation into the family, Buck.”
The eyes of Haines had not moved from the face of Buck.
“I think I’ll go over and see what’s keeping them so late in bed,” he said, and left the house.
“He takes it pretty hard,” said Jordan, his scarred face twisted with Satanic mirth, “but don’t go rubbin’ it into him, Buck, or you’ll be havin’ a man-sized fight on your hands. I’d jest about as soon mix with the chief as cross Haines. When he starts the undertaker does the finishin’!”
“Thanks for remindin’ me,” said Buck drily. Through the window he saw Haines throw open the door of the shanty.
The outcry which Buck expected did not follow. For a long moment the long rider stood there without moving. Then he turned and walked slowly back to the house, his head bent, his forehead gathered in a puzzled frown.
“What’s the matter, Lee?” called Silent as his lieutenant entered the room again. “You look sort of sick. Didn’t she have a bright mornin’ smile for you?”
Haines raised his head slowly. The frown was not yet gone.
“They aren’t there,” he announced.
His eyes shifted to Buck. Everyone followed his example, Silent cursing softly.
“As a joker, Lee,” said Buck coldly, “you’re some Little Eva. I s’pose they jest nacherally evaporated durin’ the night, maybe?”
“Haines,” said Silent sharply, “are you serious?”
The latter nodded.
“Then by God, Buck, you’ll have to say a lot in a few words. Lee, you suspected him all the time, but I was a fool!”
Daniels felt the colour leaving his face, but help came from the quarter from which he least expected it.
“Jim, don’t draw!” cried Haines.
The eyes of the chief glittered like the hawk’s who sees the field mouse scurrying over the ground far below.
“He ain’t your meat, Lee,” he said. “It’s me he’s double crossed.”