A Publisher and His Friends eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 557 pages of information about A Publisher and His Friends.

A Publisher and His Friends eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 557 pages of information about A Publisher and His Friends.

Very cordially yours,


The MS. of the work was at once forwarded to Mr. Murray, who was, however, averse to publishing it without taking the advice of his friends.  He first sent it to Mr. Lockhart, requesting him to read it and pronounce his opinion.

Mr. Lockhart to John Murray.

March 3, 1832.

“I can’t say what ought to be done with this book.  To me, knowing whose it is, it is full of interest; but the affectations and absurdities are such that I can’t but think they would disgust others more than the life and brilliancy of many of the descriptions would please them.  You should send it to Milman without saying who is the author.—­J.G.L.”

The MS. was accordingly sent to Mr. Milman, but as he was very ill at the time, and could not read it himself, but transferred it to his wife, much delay occurred in its perusal.  Meanwhile, Mr. Disraeli became very impatient about the publication, and again wrote: 

Mr. Disraeli to John Murray.

March 4, 1832.


I wish that I could simplify our arrangements by a stroke by making you a present of “The Psychological Romance”; but at present you must indeed take the will for the deed, although I hope the future will allow us to get on more swimmingly.  That work has, in all probability, cost me more than I shall ever obtain by it, and indeed I may truly say that to write that work I have thrown to the winds all the obvious worldly prospects of life.

I am ready to make every possible sacrifice on my part to range myself under your colours.  I will willingly give up the immediate and positive receipt of a large sum of money for the copyright, and by publishing the work anonymously renounce that certain sale which, as a successful, although I confess not very worthy author, I can command.  But in quitting my present publisher, I incur, from the terms of our last agreement, a virtual penalty, which I have no means to pay excepting from the proceeds of my pen.  Have you, therefore, any objection to advance me a sum on the anticipated profits of the edition, not exceeding two hundred pounds?

It grieves me much to appear exacting to you, but I frankly tell you the reason, and, as it will enable me to place myself at your disposal, I hope you will not consider me mercenary, when I am indeed influenced by the most sincere desire to meet your views.

If this modification of your arrangement will suit you, as I fervently trust it will, I shall be delighted to accede to your wishes.  In that case let me know without loss of time, and pray let us meet to talk over minor points, as to the mode of publication, etc.  I shall be at home all the morning; my time is very much occupied, and on Thursday or Friday I must run down, for a day or two, to Wycombe to attend a public meeting. [Footnote:  Mr. Disraeli was then a candidate, on the Radical side, for the borough of Wycombe.]

Project Gutenberg
A Publisher and His Friends from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.