A Publisher and His Friends eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 557 pages of information about A Publisher and His Friends.

A Publisher and His Friends eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 557 pages of information about A Publisher and His Friends.

2nd.  Do you intend to have any portraits?  One of Lady Suffolk is almost indispensable, and would be enough.  There are two of her at Strawberry Hill; one, I think, a print, and neither, if I forget not, very good.  There is also a print, an unassuming one, in Walpole’s works, but a good artist would make something out of any of these, if even we can get nothing better to make our copy from.  If you were to increase your number of portraits, I would add the Duchess of Queensberry, from a picture at Dalkeith which is alluded to in the letters; Lady Hervey and her beautiful friend, Mary Bellenden.  They are in Walpole’s works; Lady Hervey rather mawkish, but the Bellenden charming.  I dare say these plates could now be bought cheap, and retouched from the originals, which would make them better than ever they were.  Lady Vere (sister of Lady Temple, which latter is engraved in Park’s edition of the “Noble Authors”) was a lively writer, and is much distinguished in this correspondence.  Of the men, I should propose Lord Peterborough, whose portraits are little known; Lord Liverpool has one of him, not, however, very characteristic.  Mr. Pulteney is also little known, but he has been lately re-published in the Kit-cat Club.  Of our Horace there is not a decent engraving anywhere.  I presume that there must be a good original of him somewhere.  Whatever you mean to do on this point, you should come to an early determination and put the works in hand.

3rd.  I mean, if you approve, to prefix a biographical sketch of Mrs. Howard and two or three of those beautiful characters with which, in prose and verse, the greatest wits of the last century honoured her and themselves.  To the first letter of each remarkable correspondent I would also affix a slight notice, and I would add, at the foot of the page, notes in the style of those on Lady Hervey.  Let me know whether this plan suits your fancy.

4th.  All the letters of Swift, except one or two, in this collection are printed (though not always accurately) in Scott’s edition of his works.  Yet I think it would be proper to reprint them from the originals, because they elucidate much of Lady Suffolk’s history, and her correspondence could not be said to be complete without them.  Let me know your wishes on this point.

5th.  My materials are numerous, though perhaps the pieces of great merit are not many.  I must therefore beg of you to set up, in the form and type you wish to adopt, the sheet which I send you, and you must say about how many pages you wish your volume, or volumes, to be.  I will then select as much of the most interesting as will fill the space which you may desire to occupy.

Yours truly,


Mr. Croker also consented to edit the letters of Mrs. Delany to Mr. Hamilton, 1779-88, containing many anecdotes relating to the Royal Family.

Mr. Croker to John Murray.

Project Gutenberg
A Publisher and His Friends from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.