Crescent and Iron Cross eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 171 pages of information about Crescent and Iron Cross.

Crescent and Iron Cross eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 171 pages of information about Crescent and Iron Cross.
for the massacre of alien people) had no sort of meaning in Palestine.  But the Pan-Germanic ideals had a great deal of meaning in Palestine, as Dr. Davis Treitsch (Die Jueden der Tuerkei) very clearly states.  For ‘as a result of the war,’ he tells us, ’there will be an emigration of East-European Jews on an unprecedented scale ... the disposal of the East European Jews will be a problem for Germany (and) Germans will be only too glad to find a way out in the emigration of those Jews to Turkey, a solution extraordinarily favourable to the interests of all three [sic] parties concerned.  There are grounds for talking of a German protectorate over the whole of Jewry.’

Now this is explicit enough; Germany clearly contemplated a protectorate over Palestine, and if the Jews who are German-speaking Jews are left independent, there is nothing more certain than that, after the war, her penetration of Palestine will instantly begin.  These colonists are, and will be, in want of funds for the development and increase of their cultivated territories, and when we consider the names of the prominent financiers in the Central Empires, Mendelssohn, Hirsch, Goldsmid, Bleichroeder, Speyer, to name only a few, we cannot be in much doubt as to the quarter from which that financial assistance will be forthcoming, on extremely favourable terms.  It is safe to prophesy that, if Palestine is given independence without protectorate, in three years from the end of the war it will be under not only a protectorate, but a despotism as complete as ever ruled either Turkey or Prussia.  True it is that the Zionist movement will offer, even as it has offered in the past, a strenuous opposition to Germanisation, but it would be crediting it with an inconceivable vitality to imagine that it will be able to resist the blandishments that Germany is certainly prepared to shower on it.  For great as is the progress the Jewish settlers made in Palestine during the twenty or twenty-five years before the war, and strong as is the spirit of Zionism, the emigrants do not as yet number more than about 120,000, nor have they under crops more than ten per cent. of the cultivated land of Palestine.  They are as yet but settlers, and their work is before them.  If left without a protectorate they will not be without a protectorate long, but not such an one as the Allies desire.  A protectorate there must be, and no reason is really of weight against that protectorate being French.  Let that, then, extend from the Mediterranean to the Euphrates, and from Alexandretta to where the Hedjaz already prospers in its self-proclaimed independence.  It will be completely severed from Turkey by tracts under protection of one or other of the Allied Powers, any expedition through which would be an act of war.

Project Gutenberg
Crescent and Iron Cross from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.