There are two points of routine on which I am compelled to speak in no uncertain voice—two practices which I hold to be almost equally condemnable. In the first place, no playwright who understands the evolution of the modern theatre can nowadays use in his stage-directions the abhorrent jargon of the early nineteenth century. When one comes across a manuscript bespattered with such cabalistic signs as “R.2.E.,” “R.C.,” “L.C.,” “L.U.E.,” and so forth, one sees at a glance that the writer has neither studied dramatic literature nor thought out for himself the conditions of the modern theatre, but has found his dramatic education between the buff covers of French’s Acting Edition. Some beginners imagine that a plentiful use of such abbreviations will be taken as a proof of their familiarity with the stage; whereas, in fact, it only shows their unfamiliarity with theatrical history. They might as well set forth to describe a modern battleship in the nautical terminology of Captain Marryat. “Right First Entrance,” “Left Upper Entrance,” and so forth, are terms belonging to the period when there were no “box” rooms or “set” exteriors on the stage, when the sides of each scene were composed of “wings” shoved on in grooves, and entrances could be made between each pair of wings. Thus, “R. 1 E.” meant the entrance between the proscenium and the first “wing” on the right, “R. 2 E.” meant the entrance between the first pair of “wings,” and so forth. “L.U.E.” meant the entrance at the left between the last “wing” and the back cloth. Now grooves and “wings” have disappeared from the stage. The “box” room is entered, like any room in real life, by doors or French windows; and the only rational course is