Is Mars Habitable? eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 85 pages of information about Is Mars Habitable?.

Is Mars Habitable? eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 85 pages of information about Is Mars Habitable?.

A third independent argument leading to the same result is Dr. Johnstone Stoney’s proof that aqueous vapour cannot exist on Mars; and this fact Mr. Lowell does not attempt to controvert.

To put the whole case in the fewest possible words: 

All physicists are agreed that, owing to the distance of Mars from the sun, it would have a mean temperature of about-35 deg.  F. (= 456 deg.  F. abs.) even if it had an atmosphere as dense as ours.

(2) But the very low temperatures on the earth under the equator, at a height where the barometer stands at about three times as high as on Mars, proves, that from scantiness of atmosphere alone Mars cannot possibly have a temperature as high as the freezing point of water; and this proof is supported by Langley’s determination of the low maximum temperature of the full moon.

The combination of these two results must bring down the temperature of Mars to a degree wholly incompatible with the existence of animal life.

(3) The quite independent proof that water-vapour cannot exist on Mars, and that therefore, the first essential of organic life—­water—­is non-existent.

The conclusion from these three independent proofs, which enforce each other in the multiple ratio of their respective weights, is therefore irresistible—­that animal life, especially in its higher forms, cannot exist on the planet.

Mars, therefore, is not only uninhabited by intelligent beings such as Mr. Lowell postulates, but is absolutely UNINHABITABLE.

Project Gutenberg
Is Mars Habitable? from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.