Hardy Ornamental Flowering Trees and Shrubs eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 199 pages of information about Hardy Ornamental Flowering Trees and Shrubs.

Hardy Ornamental Flowering Trees and Shrubs eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 199 pages of information about Hardy Ornamental Flowering Trees and Shrubs.

Z. CRENATA (syns Planera crenata and P.  Richardi).—­Zelkova Tree.  Western Asia to Mount Caucasus, 1760.  This is a handsome, large growing tree, with oblong deeply-crenated leaves, and small and inconspicuous flowers.  For avenue planting or as a standard specimen this is a valuable tree, being quite hardy, and of free and quick growth.  P. crenata pendula is a good weeping form, and worthy of culture.

Z. CRETICA.—­Crete.  A pretty small growing bush or tree of about 20 feet in height, with crenate, leathery, dark green leaves, which are usually fully an inch in length.  The leaves are hairy, and the twigs, too, are thickly covered with short grey hairs.


ZAUSCHNERIA CALIFORNICA.—­Californian Fuchsia, or Humming Birds’ Trumpet.  California and Mexico, 1847.  A small-growing, densely-branched shrub, with linear-lanceolate silvery pubescent leaves, and bright red or scarlet tubular flowers, with a long, slender style resembling some of the Fuchsias.  It is a pretty and distinct Alpine shrub, and not being perfectly hardy should be assigned a rather warm and sheltered position.


ZENOBIA SPECIOSA (syn Andromeda speciosa and A. cassinaefolia).—­South United States, 1800.  This is a distinct and pretty hardy species, a native of swampy low-lying districts.  It grows about four feet high, and bears pure white, bell-shaped, Lily-of-the-Valley like flowers in great abundance during the summer.  In too dry situations it becomes sparse of foliage and unhappy, but grows and flowers freely in light, peaty soil.  Z. speciosa pulverulenta is a very desirable variety, the whole plant, stems, foliage, and flowers, being of a pleasing light gray or white colour.  Individually the flowers are larger than those of the species.



EXOCHORDA GRANDIFLORA (syn Spiraea grandiflora).—­North China.  This handsome shrub forms a much branched, spreading bush, about 4 feet to 6 feet high, and flowers abundantly in May.  The habit is similar to that of a shrubby Spiraea, but the pure white flowers are as large as those of some of the species of Cherry, and quite unlike those of any known species of Spiraea.  The flowers are liable to injury sometimes from late spring frosts, but the plant itself is quite hardy.  As a bush on the lawn it is nevertheless highly ornamental and desirable.


MYRICARIA GERMANICA.—­Europe, Asia, 1582.  A tall, somewhat straggling shrub, very similar to the Tamarisk, with terminal spikes of pink or rosy flowers, produced freely nearly all the summer.  It succeeds well in this country in sea-side situations, and is often described as a Tamarisk by gardeners.

Project Gutenberg
Hardy Ornamental Flowering Trees and Shrubs from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.