Natalie eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 236 pages of information about Natalie.

Natalie eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 236 pages of information about Natalie.

“The islanders, as you have imagined, being so unlike the inhabitants of civilized lands, have such a natural propensity for wielding the harpoon, that should a person differing from their kind appear amongst them, they might be liable to capture him, mistaking the object for a new species of land-shark!”

At this piece of information, delivered in such a calm, pleasant manner, the smiles which had been visible on the faces of those who listened, grew into a hearty laugh, in which the chagrined Montague joined, as being the safest way of retreat, and although piqued by the ludicrous position in which he had been placed, he could not but look with admiration upon the gentle creature, whose pleasant repartee had been in self-defence.

Natalie followed with her eye the graceful form of Winnie, as she threaded her way through the dance, occasionally interchanging a witty remark with her handsome partner, and as he lead her to a seat, Natalie observed to Mrs. Santon, “how beautiful dear Winnie is to-night!  I do not know who can help loving her!” So enthusiastic was she in her praises, that she had not observed the two contemplating her, and ere she was aware of their approach, the bewitching Winnie had taken her hand, and presenting Mr. Delwood, she mischievously remarked, “Now, Miss critic, it is for you to perform a la perfectione, and depend upon it, you shall be dealt with according to your own measure! for you have not once taken those eyes off from me through the whole course!”

Before Natalie could say a word in her defence, the music had commenced, and ere she had hardly realized it she had taken Winnie’s place by the side of Mr. Delwood.  Other eyes than Natalie’s had looked upon Winnie with admiration, as she had leaned upon the arm of Delwood, but now, as he led forth “the gentle star,” the suppressed murmur of applause must have been apparent to the fair one herself had she not been engaged with other thoughts.  For several successive figures it so happened that Natalie was the partner of the reserved Mr. Delwood, who never was known to appear a second time upon the floor, and it also happened, how, or at what moment was a mystery, that the two had sought to dispel fatigue, by the conservatory’s soothing influences, whither the eye of Winnie wandered ever and anon, as with Mr. Montague she vied with her competitors in the giddy waltz.  Miss Winnie’s brain was capable of containing two thoughts at the same time, and no one would have suspected, absorbed as she appeared to be with the attentions of Montague, who was playing the agreeable to the best of his knowledge, that her curiosity was at work, wondering what the subject of the truants, tete-a-tete might be.  “They are discussing the rare exotics, sent to us from the South,” she thought within herself, and indeed, what other could interest the cold-hearted Delwood? who, it was thought had never dreamed of love this side of the Atlantic; and as for Natalie, many a private lecture had she received from Winnie, in regard to her indifference toward the gentleman! though those discourses had been invariably of the same termination, “for all that, Natalie, your heart is made for love.”

Project Gutenberg
Natalie from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.