The Mental Life of Monkeys and Apes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 160 pages of information about The Mental Life of Monkeys and Apes.

The Mental Life of Monkeys and Apes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 160 pages of information about The Mental Life of Monkeys and Apes.

The above statements are supported by comparison of the curves of learning.  The curve for problem 2, figure 19, is extremely irregular; that for problem 3, figure 20, much more regular.  Similarly, the daily ratios of right to wrong choices as exhibited in tables 5 and 6 indicate smaller variations for the third problem than for the second.

Sobke made ten correct first choices in the third series for July 17, but he was working very uncertainly and it seemed rather a matter of good luck than good management that he succeeded in presenting this perfect series:  For this reason and also because it did not seem feasible to have Sunday intervene between the final and perfect regular series and the control series, an additional regular series was given on July 19, in which, as the table indicates, a single mistake occurred, in trial 5.  The monkey was working perfectly.  The series of trials required only ten minutes, and it was evident that carelessness and eagerness to obtain food were chiefly responsible for the mistake.

The control series given on July 19 immediately after the series just described resulted similarly in one failure and nine successes.  The choices were made easily and with certainty, and the only mistake, that of setting 7, was apparently due to carelessness.

This excellent showing for the control series wholly justifies the comparison of problems 2 and 3 as to difficultness, made above.  Whereas in both problems 1 and 2 the control trials caused confusion, in the case of problem 3, they did not essentially alter the behavior of the animal.  The fact seems to be that for this problem the particular setting is of relatively little importance; while turning alternately to the extreme left and the extreme right is of prime importance.  That Sobke had the idea of alternation or of the end box, there seems no more reason for insisting than that he had the idea of secondness from the right end in problem 2.  It is possible, even probable, that these ideas existed rather vaguely in his consciousness, but there is obviously no necessity for insisting that the solution of the problems depended upon them.

Problem 4.  Middle

As the available time for the continuation of the experiment was limited, it was decided to proceed with work on problem 4 immediately upon the completion of problem 3, and on July 20, the problem of the middle door was presented to Sobke.  Since it was anticipated that this sudden change would confuse and discourage him greatly, the only form of punishment administered was the momentary lowering of the entrance door of the wrong box.  As in the previous problem, he was aided after ten successive wrong choices.  As might have been anticipated, he persistently entered the end boxes of the groups, and this in some instances probably would have been kept up for many minutes had not the experimenter lured him into the right box by slightly raising the exit door.  In the first series, he had to be aided in five of the ten trials.  The total time for the series was forty-five minutes, the total number of choices, eighty-eight.  In the second series, he was aided in four of the trials.  The total time required was seventy-two minutes, and the total number of choices was seventy-six.

Project Gutenberg
The Mental Life of Monkeys and Apes from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.