and that of other mammals is the time required for
the suppression of such an acquired tendency.
The monkey seems to learn almost immediately that
it is not worth while to persist in a tendency which
although previously profitable no longer yields satisfaction,
whereas in the crow, pig, rat, and ring dove, the
unprofitable mode of response tends to persist during
a relatively large number of trials. (b) The tendency
to choose, first, a box near the left end of the group,
to go from that to the box at the extreme right end
of the group, thence to the one next in order, which
was, of course, the right box. This tendency appears
fairly clearly from May 7th on. (c) The box at the
extreme right was first chosen and then the one next
to it. For example, in setting 2, box 4 would
be chosen first, then box 3. Or, if this did not
occur, the method previously described under (b) was
likely to be employed, as for example, in setting
8, where such choices as appear. (d) In
certain series there appeared a marked preference for
a particular box, usually box 3 (see results for May
24). This was doubtless due in a measure, if
not wholly, to the fact that box 3 was the right box
twice in each series of ten settings. But it
should be added that the same is true of box 7, for
which no preference was manifested at any time. (e)
Direct choice of the right box.
The five reactive methods or tendencies enumerated above roughly appeared in the order named, but there were certain irregularities and the order as well as the time of appearance varied somewhat from setting to setting. In general, method c was the most frequently used prior to the development of method e, the direct choice of the right box.
Results for Sobke, P. rhesus, in Problem 2