The Life of Captain James Cook eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 330 pages of information about The Life of Captain James Cook.

The Life of Captain James Cook eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 330 pages of information about The Life of Captain James Cook.

Whilst the observations were being taken some of the crew broke into the store and stole a quantity of the large nails that were used as a medium of trade with the islanders.  One man was found with seven in his possession, and after careful enquiry was sentenced to two dozen lashes, which seems to have been the severest sentence meted out by Cook during the voyage.  The sentence was carried out, and though it was well known that more than one was implicated, he refused to name any one else, but suffered in silence.

A dog dinner.

The King’s Birthday being on 5th June, Cook entertained several of the chiefs at dinner, and the health of Kilnargo was toasted so many times by some of them that the result was disastrous.  One of the presents received from a chief was a dog, which they were informed was good to eat.  After some discussion it was handed to a native named Tupia, who had made himself very useful, and afterwards accompanied them on the voyage; and he having smothered it with his hands, and drawn it, wrapped it in leaves and baked it in a native oven.  With some hesitation it was tasted, and met with general approval.  Cook says:  “Therefore we resolved for the future never to despise dog flesh”; and in another place he says they put dog’s flesh “next only to English lamb.”  These dogs were bred for eating, and lived entirely on vegetable food.

The main object of their stay at Otaheite having been attained, steps were taken for further prosecution of the voyage; the ship was careened, her bottom scraped and found free from worm, but the boats had suffered, particularly the long-boat, which had to have a new bottom.  She had been varnished only; the other boats, painted with white lead, had not suffered so much.  The stores were overhauled, and the ship was fitted for sea.  Whilst these preparations were being made, Cook and Banks made a circuit of the island in the pinnace to examine the coast.  Several good anchorages were found, with from sixteen to twenty-four fathoms and good holding ground.  The south-east portion was almost cut off from the mainland by a narrow, marshy isthmus about two miles wide, over which the natives dragged their canoes with little difficulty.  On the south coast one of the large burying-places was seen; by far the most extensive one on the island.  It is described as: 

“a long square of stonework built pyramidically; its base is 267 feet by 87 feet; at the Top it is 250 feet by 8 feet.  It is built in the same manner as we do steps leading up to a sun-dial or fountain erected in the middle of a square, where there is a flite of steps on each side.  In this building there are 11 of such steps; each step is about 4 feet in height, and the breadth 4 feet 7 inches, but they decreased both in height and breadth from the bottom to the Top.  On the middle of the Top stood the image of a Bird carved in wood, near it lay the broken one of a Fish, carved in stone.  There was no

Project Gutenberg
The Life of Captain James Cook from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.