The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 49 pages of information about The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction.

The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 49 pages of information about The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction.

                                     L. s. d.
  To musicians, for which, however,
    they were bound to
    perform three nights 0 5 6
  For players, in bread and ale 0 3 1
  For decorations, dresses, and
    play-books 1 0 0
  To John Hobbard, priest, and
    author of the piece 0 2 8
  For the place in which the
    representation was held 0 1 0
  For furniture 0 1 4
  For fish and bread 0 0 4
  For painting three phantoms
    and devils 0 0 6
  And for four chickens for the
    hero 0 0 4

H. B. A.

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The United States ship, Vincennes, visited the island of Juan Fernandez, off the coast of Chili, a few months since, and remained there three days.  There were two Yankees and six Otaheitans on the island.  The former had formed a settlement for the purpose of supplying whale-ships with water, poultry, and vegetables.  The soil is said to be astonishingly fertile.

_—­New York Shipping List, 1366._

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From an old History of England.

  “Not superstitiously I speak, but H his letter still
  Hath been observed ominous to England’s good or ill.”

  Humber the Hun, with foreign arms, did first the brutes invade;
  Helen to Rome’s imperial throne the British crown convey’d;
  Hengist and Horsus first did plant the Saxons in this isle;
  Hungar and Hubba first brought Danes, that sway’d here a long while;
  At Harold had the Saxon end at Hardy Knute the Dane;
  Henries the First and Second did restore the English reign;
  Fourth Henry first for Lancaster did England’s crown obtain;
  Seventh Henry jarring Lancaster and York unites in peace;
  Henry the Eighth did happily Rome’s irreligion cease.

* * * * *


The church of Austin Friars is one of the most ancient Gothic remains in the City of London.  It belonged to a priory dedicated to St. Augustine, and was founded for the friars Eremites of the order of Hippo, in Africa, by Humphry Bohun, Earl of Hereford and Essex, 1253.  A part of this once spacious building was granted by Edward VI. to a congregation of Germans and other strangers, who fled hither from religious persecutions.  Several successive princes have confirmed it to the Dutch, by whom it has been used as a place of worship.  J.M.C.

* * * * *


Project Gutenberg
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.