Cinderella eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 15 pages of information about Cinderella.

Cinderella eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 15 pages of information about Cinderella.

The extravagance of the Stories—­the attractive manner of telling them—­the picturesque scenery described—­the marvellous deeds related—­the reward of virtue and punishment of vice, upon principles strictly in accordance with ethical laws, as applied to the formation of character, render them peculiarly adapted to induce children to acquire a love for reading, and to aid them to cultivate the affections, sympathies, fancy, and imagination.

The principle, that good examples only should be imitated, has been lost sight of in the Pictorial embellishment of these standard Fairy Stories, upon the assumption that indifferent pictures are good enough to give first impressions of Art to Children.  If this holds true then language and morals of a questionable cast will subserve the same ends; but the fallacy of this dogma notwithstanding, no one upon reflection will deny.

That this edition of these Stories may be more perfect than any other extant, the publisher has embellished it with exquisite specimens of high Pictorial Art, from which Children may derive those correct ideas that will mature into the beautiful and grand.

Project Gutenberg
Cinderella from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.