Cinderella eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 15 pages of information about Cinderella.

Cinderella eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 15 pages of information about Cinderella.

They spoke truly enough; for, a few days afterwards, the king’s son caused a proclamation to be made, by sound of trumpet all over the kingdom, to the effect that he would marry her whose foot should be found to fit the slipper exactly.  So the slipper was first tried on by all the princesses; then by all the duchesses; and next by all the persons belonging to the court; but in vain.  It was then carried to the two sisters, who tried with all their might to force their feet into its delicate proportions, but with no better success.  Cinderella, who was present, and recognized her slipper, now laughed, and said, “Suppose I were to try?” Her sisters ridiculed such an idea; but the gentleman who was appointed to try the slipper, having looked attentively at Cinderella, and perceived how beautiful she was, said that it was but fair she should do so, as he had orders to try it on every young maiden in the kingdom.  Accordingly, having requested Cinderella to sit down, she no sooner put her little foot to the slipper, than she drew it on, and it fitted like wax.  The sisters were quite amazed; but their astonishment increased tenfold when Cinderella drew the fellow slipper out of her pocket, and put it on.  Her godmother then made her appearance; and, having touched Cinderella’s clothes with her wand, made them still more magnificent than those she had previously worn.

[Illustration:  The heralds of the court announce the proclamation that the prince would marry the lady whom the glass slipper fitted. Cinderella tries on the slipper, which fits her delicate foot, to the great astonishment of her family.]

Her two sisters now recognized her for the beautiful stranger they had seen at the ball; and, falling at her feet, implored her forgiveness for their unworthy treatment, and all the insults they had heaped upon her head.  Cinderella raised them, saying, as she embraced them, that she not only forgave them with all her heart, but wished for their affection.  She was then taken to the palace of the young prince, in whose eyes she appeared yet more lovely than before, and who married her shortly after.

Cinderella, who was as good as she was beautiful, allowed her sisters to lodge in the palace, and gave them in marriage, that same day, to two lords belonging to the court.

[Illustration:  Marriage of the prince and Cinderella.]

The amiable qualities of Cinderella were as conspicuous after as they had been before marriage.

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This series of Fairy stories has for generations been listened to and read by Children with an inexpressible delight, which other books have failed to afford them.

Project Gutenberg
Cinderella from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.