The Fortunate Foundlings eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 356 pages of information about The Fortunate Foundlings.

The Fortunate Foundlings eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 356 pages of information about The Fortunate Foundlings.

One of the great reasons that we find love so irresistable, is, that it enters into the heart with so much subtilty, that it is not to be perceived till it has gathered too much strength to be repulsed.  If Louisa had imagined herself in any danger from the merits of monsieur du Plessis, she would at least have been less easily overcome by them:—­she had been accustomed to be pleased with the conversation of many who had entertained her as he had done, but thought no more of them, or any thing they said, when out of their company; but it was otherways with her now:  not a word he had spoke, not a glance he had given, but was imprinted in her mind:—­her memory ran over every little action a thousand and a thousand times, and represented all as augmented with some grace peculiar to himself, and infinitely superior to any thing she had ever seen:—­not even sleep could shut him out;—­thro’ her closed eyes she saw the pleasing vision; and fancy, active in the cause of love, formed new and various scenes, which to her waking thoughts were wholly strangers.

Melanthe also past the night in ideas which, tho’ experienced in, were not less ravishing:  she was not of a temper to put any constraint on her inclinations; and having entertained the most amorous ones for the count de Bellfleur, easily overcame all scruples that might have hindered the gratification of them:—­her head ran on the appointment she had made him:—­the means she would take to engage his constancy,—­resolved to sell the reversion of her jointure and accompany him to France, and flattered herself with the most pleasing images of a long series of continued happiness in the arms of him, who was now all to her that Henricus ever had been.

Full of these meditations she rose, and soon after received from the subject of them a billet, containing these words: 

To the charming MELANTHE.


“Tho’ the transporting promise you made me of refusing admittance to all company but mine, is a new instance of your goodness, yet I cannot but think we should be still more secure from interruption at a place I have taken care to provide.  Might I therefore hope you would vouchsafe to meet me about five in the evening at the dome of St. Mark, I shall be ready with a Gondula to conduct you to a recess, which seems formed by the god of love himself for the temple of his purest offerings, than which which none can be offered with greater passion and sincerity than those of the adorable Melanthe’s

Most devoted, and
Everlasting Slave

P.S..  To prevent your fair friend Louisa from any suspicion on account of being left at home, I have engaged a gentleman to make her a visit in form, just before the time of your coming out:—­favour me, I beseech you, with knowing if my contrivances in both these points have the sanction of your approbation.”

Project Gutenberg
The Fortunate Foundlings from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.