The Fortunate Foundlings eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 356 pages of information about The Fortunate Foundlings.

The Fortunate Foundlings eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 356 pages of information about The Fortunate Foundlings.
for an hour together of all the pleasures of the masquerade:  it seems she had over-heard some gallant things between him and the daughter of the count de Granpree, and that gave her the occasion of running into a recapitulation of all the professions of constancy he had made to herself, the proofs she had given him of a too easy belief, and the little regard he now paid to her peace of mind.—­I was obliged to affect a pity for her misfortunes, and gratitude for the trust she reposed in me, tho’ neither the one or the other merited in reality any thing but contempt.

One often suffers a good deal from one’s complaisance this way, said Charlotta; and for my part there is nothing I would more carefully avoid than secrets of this nature; but you have not told me how far Horatio was accessary to bringing you into this trouble.

He them said that he would save mademoiselle de Coigney the labour, and immediately related how the lady they were speaking of threw herself upon him, and afterwards enjoined him to deliver the message.  But, added he, I think last night was one of the most unfortunate ones I have ever known, since, with all the care I could take, I was continually prevented by other people’s concerns from prosecuting my own.—­I was not only insulted and reproached for being mistaken for some other person, for it could happen no other way, but also soon after received a letter no less mysterious to me than the blow, which doubtless came from the same quarter:  as there is no name subscribed, or if there were, I should look on myself as under no obligation of secrecy, I will beg leave to communicate it to you, ladies.

With these words he took the letter out of his pocket and held it open between them:  Charlotta conquered her impatience so far as not to take it out of his hand; but mademoiselle Coigney snatched it hastily, imagining she knew the hand; nor was she deceived in her conjecture:  she had no sooner read it slightly over;—­see here, mademoiselle Charlotta, said she, a new proof of madam de Olonne’s folly, and my brother’s continued attachment to that vile woman.

Charlotta then looked over the letter with a satisfaction that was visible in her countenance; and as soon as she had done, then it is plain, said she, that Horatio was mistaken for monsieur de Coigney:  but how it happened so is what I cannot conceive.

I can easily solve the riddle, replied mademoiselle de Coigney:  I heard my brother say he intended to wear a hunting dress at the masquerade; but being disappointed of going to it, by his most christian majesty sending for him to Marli, I suppose too suddenly for him to give notice of his enforced absence to madame d’ Olonne, and Horatio by chance appearing in the same habit which he had doubtless told her he would be in, and their sizes being pretty much alike, she might very well be deceived, and also have a seeming reason for the jealousy and rage her letter testifies.

Project Gutenberg
The Fortunate Foundlings from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.