About six days journey by land from Hoden, there is a place called Teggazza[5], which in our language signifies a chest or bag of gold. In this place large quantities of salt are dug up every year, and carried by caravans on camels to Tombucto and thence to the empire of Melli, which belongs to the Negroes. Oh arriving there, they dispose of their salt in the course of eight days, at the rate of between two and three hundred mitigals, or ducats, for each load, according to the quantity, and then return with their gold.
[1] This is erroneous, as there are several towns
on the coast of Morocco
beyond this Cape, as Saffia,
Mogadore, Santa Cruz, and others.
Cape Cantin is in lat. 32
deg.30’N. and the river Sus in 30 deg.25’,
is 140 miles to the south.
There are no towns on the coast beyond that
river; but the northern limit
of the Sahara, or great desert, is in
lat. 27 deg.40’, 186
miles to the south of the river Sus, and is
inhabited by wandering Arabs.
Even the great desert, which extends 750
miles from north to south,
almost to the river Senegal, is thinly
interspersed by several wandering
tribes of the Azanhaji.—E.
[2] Called Tombuto in the original, and Ataubat in
Grynaeus.—Astl. Hoden
stands in an ouasis,
or watered island, in the sea of sand, or great
desert, about lat. 19 deg.20’N.
and W. long. 11 deg.40’.—E.
[3] Under the general name of Azanhaji, which
probably signifies the
pilgrims or wanderers of the
desert, the Nomadic Arabs or Moors are
distinguished into various
tribes; as Beni-amir, Beni-sabi, Hilil
Arabs, Ludajas, and Hagi;
sometimes called Monselmines, Mongearts,
Wadelims, Labdessebas, and
Trasarts; all named in their order from
north to south, as occupying
the desert towards the Atlantic.—E.
[4] In the text this river is named Senega, and its
name probably
signifies the river of the
Azanhaji. It Is called in Ramusio Oro
[5] The name of this place is explained as signifying
a chest or bag of
gold. There is a place
marked in the Saharra, or great sandy desert;
under the name of Tisheet,
where there are salt mines, in lat. 17 deg.
40’ N. and long. 6 deg.
40’ W. which may possibly be Teggazza. The
distance of Tisheet from Hoden
in our maps is about 375 miles E. S. E.
But there are other salt mines
in the desert still farther to the east.
Of the Empire of Melli, and some curious particulars of the Salt Trade: Of the Trade in Gold: Of the, Azanhaji; and concerning swarms of Locusts.