Mirach, mesentery, matrix, mesaraic veins, causes of melancholy
Mirabolanes purgers of melancholy
Mirth and mercy company excellent against melancholy; their abuses
Miseries of man; how they cause melancholy; common miseries; miseries of both sorts; no man free, miseries’ effects in us; sent for our good; miseries of students and scholars
Mitigations of melancholy
Money’s prerogatives; allurement
Moon inhabited; moon in love
Mother how cause of melancholy
Moving faculty described
Music a present remedy for melancholy; its effects; a symptom of lovers; causes of love-melancholy
Nakedness of parts a cause of love-melancholy; cure of love-melancholy
Narrow streets where in use
Natural melancholy signs
Natural signs of love-melancholy
Necessity to what it enforceth
Neglect and contempt, best cures of jealousy
Nemesis or punishment comes after
Nerves what
News most welcome
Nobility censured
Non-necessary causes of melancholy
Nuns’ melancholy
Nurse, how cause of melancholy
Objects causing melancholy to be removed
Obstacles and hindrances of lovers
Occasions to be avoided in love-melancholy
Odoraments to smell to for melancholy
Ointments, for melancholy
Ointments riotously used
Old folks apt to be jealous
Old folks’ incontinency taxed
Old age a cause of melancholy; old men’s sons often melancholy
One love drives out another
Opinions of or concerning the soul
Oppression’s effects
Opportunity and importunity causes of love-melancholy
Organical parts
Overmuch joy, pride, praise, how causes of melancholy
Paleness and leanness, symptoms of love-melancholy
Papists’ religious symptoms
Paracelsus’ defence of minerals
Parents, how they wrong their children; how they cause melancholy by propagation; how by remissness and indulgence
Paraenetical discourse to such as are troubled in mind
Particular parts distempered, how they cause melancholy
Parties affected in religious melancholy
Passions and perturbations causes of melancholy; how they work on the body; their divisions; how rectified and eased
Passions of lovers
Patience a cure of misery
Patient, his conditions that would be cured; patience, confidence, liberality, not to practise on himself; what he must do himself; reveal his grief to a friend
Pennyroyal good against melancholy
Perjury of lovers
Persuasion a means to cure love-melancholy; other melancholy