Laurel a purge for melancholy
Laws against adultery
Leo Decimus the pope’s scoffing tricks
Lewellyn prince of Wales, his submission
Leucata petra the cure of lovesick persons
Liberty of princes and great men, how abused
Libraries commended
Liver its site; cause of melancholy distempers, if hot or cold
Loss of liberty, servitude, imprisonment, cause of melancholy
Losses in general how they offend; cause of despair; how eased
Love of gaming and pleasures immoderate, cause of melancholy
Love of learning, overmuch study, cause of melancholy
Love’s beginning, object, definition, division; love made the world; love’s power; in vegetables; in sensible creatures; love’s power in devils and spirits; in men; love a disease; a fire; love’s passions; phrases of lovers; their vain wishes and attempts; lovers impudent; courageous; wise, valiant, free; neat in apparel; poets, musicians, dancers; love’s effects; love lost revived by sight; love cannot be compelled
Love and hate symptoms of religious melancholy
Lycanthropia described
Madness described; the extent of melancholy; a symptom and effect of love-melancholy
Made dishes cause melancholy
Magicians how they cause melancholy; how they cure it
Mahometans their symptoms
Maids’, nuns’, and widows’ melancholy
Man’s excellency, misery
Man the greatest enemy to man
Many means to divert lovers; to cure them
Marriage if unfortunate cause of melancholy; best cure of love-melancholy; marriage helps; miseries; benefits and commendation
Mathematical studies commended
Medicines select for melancholy; against wind and costiveness; for love-melancholy
Melancholy in disposition, melancholy equivocations; definition, name, difference; part and parties affected in melancholy, it’s affection; matter; species or kinds of melancholy; melancholy an hereditary disease; meats causing it, &c.; antecedent causes; particular parts; symptoms of it; they are passionate above measure; humorous; melancholy, adust symptoms; mixed symptoms of melancholy with other diseases; melancholy, a cause of jealousy; of despair; melancholy men why witty; why so apt to laugh, weep, sweat, blush; why they see visions, hear strange noises; why they speak untaught languages, prophesy, &c. Memory his seat
Menstruus concubitus causa melanc.
Men seduced by spirits in the night
Metals, minerals for melancholy
Meteors strange, how caused
Metoposcopy foreshowing melancholy
Milk a melancholy meat
Mind how it works on the body
Minerals good against melancholy
Ministers how they cause despair