Envy and malice causes of melancholy; their antidote
Epicurus vindicated
Epicurus’s remedy for melancholy
Epicures, atheists, hypocrites how mad, and melancholy
Equivocations of melancholy; of jealousy
Eunuchs why kept, and where
Evacuations, how they cause melancholy
Exercise if immoderate, cause of melancholy; before meals wholesome; exercise rectified; several kinds, when fit; exercises of the mind
Exotic and strange simples censured
Eyes main instruments of love; love’s darts, seats, orators, arrows, torches; how they pierce
Face’s prerogative, a most attractive part
Fasting cause of melancholy; a cure of love-melancholy; abused, the devil’s instrument; effects of it
Fear cause of melancholy, its effects; fear of death, destinies foretold; a symptom of melancholy; sign of love-melancholy; antidote to fear
Fenny fowl, melancholy
Fiery devils
Fire’s rage
Fish, what melancholy
Fish good
Fishes in love
Fishing and fowling, how and when good exercise
Flaxen hair a great motive of love
Fools often beget wise men; by love become wise
Force of imagination
Friends a cure of melancholy
Fruits causing melancholy; allowed
Fumitory purgeth melancholy
Gaming a cause of melancholy, his effects
Gardens of simples where, to what end
Gardens for pleasure
General toleration of religion, by whom permitted, and why
Gentry, whence it came first; base without means; vices accompanying it; true gentry, whence; gentry commended
Geography commended
Geometry, arithmetic, algebra, commended
Gesture cause of love-melancholy
Gifts and promises of great force amongst lovers
God’s just judgment cause of melancholy; sole cause sometimes
Gold good against melancholy; a most beautiful object
Good counsel a charm to melancholy; good counsel for lovesick persons; against melancholy itself; for such as are jealous
Great men most part dishonest
Gristle what
Guts described
Hand and paps how forcible in love-melancholy
Hard usage a cause of jealousy
Hatred cause of melancholy
Hawking and hunting why good
Head melancholy’s causes; symptoms; its cure
Hearing, what
Heat immoderate, cause of melancholy
Health a treasure
Heavens penetrable; infinitely swift
Hell where
Hellebore, white and black, purgers of melancholy; black, its virtues and history
Help from friends against melancholy