or Outwardly used, as
Oils of camomile, violets, roses,
Ointments, alablastritum, populeum,
Liniments, plasters, cerotes, cataplasms,
fomentations, epithymes, sacks,
bags, odoraments,
posies, &c.
or Purging [Symbol: Moon-3/4]
or Particular to three distinct species,
[Symbol: Cancer] [Symbol: Leo]
[Symbol: Virgo].
Medicines purging melancholy are either Memb. 2.
Simples purging melancholy
1. Subs. Upward,
as vomits
Asrabecca, laurel, white hellebore, scilla,
or sea-onion,
antimony, tobacco
or Downward. 2. Subs.
More gentle; as senna, epithyme, polypody,
mirobalanes, fumitory,
Stronger; aloes, lapis Armenus, lapis lazuli,
black hellebore.
or 3. Subs. Compounds purging melancholy
Superior parts
Liquid, as potions, juleps, syrups,
wine of hellebore,
bugloss, &c.
Solid, as lapis Armenus, and lazuli,
pills of Indie,
pills of fumitory, &c.
Electuaries, diasena, confection
of hamech,
hierologladium, &c.
or Not swallowed, as gargarisms, masticatories,
or Nostrils, sneezing powders, odoraments,
perfumes, &c.
or Inferior parts, as clysters
strong and weak, and suppositories of
Castilian soap, honey boiled, &c.
[Symbol: Gemini] Chirurgical physic, which consists of Memb. 3.
Phlebotomy, to all parts almost, and all the distinct species.
With knife, horseleeches.
Cauteries, and searing with hot irons, boring.
Dropax and sinapismus.
Issues to several parts, and upon several occasions.
[Symbol: Cancer] Sect. 5. Cure of head-melancholy. Memb. 1.
1. Subsect. Moderate diet,
meat of good juice, moistening, easy of
Good air.
Sleep more than ordinary.
Excrements daily to be voided by art or
Exercise of body and mind not too violent,
or too remiss, passions of the
mind, and perturbations to
be avoided.
Subsect. 2. Bloodletting, if there
be need, or that the blood be
corrupt, in the arm, forehead,
&c., or with cupping-glasses.
Subsect. 3. Preparatives and purgers.
as syrup of borage, bugloss, epithyme, hops, with their
waters, &c.
Purgers; as Montanus,
and Matthiolus helleborismus, Quercetanus,
of hellebore, extract of hellebore, pulvis Hali, antimony
Rulandi aqua mirabilis; which are used, if gentler
will not take place, with Arnoldus, vinum buglossatum,
cassia, mirobalanes, aurum potabile, or before
Indae, Hiera, Pil. de lap. Armeno, lazuli.