The Return of Sherlock Holmes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 418 pages of information about The Return of Sherlock Holmes.

The Return of Sherlock Holmes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 418 pages of information about The Return of Sherlock Holmes.
have been found among the charcoal ashes of the fire.  The police theory is that a most sensational crime has been committed, that the victim was clubbed to death in his own bedroom, his papers rifled, and his dead body dragged across to the wood-stack, which was then ignited so as to hide all traces of the crime.  The conduct of the criminal investigation has been left in the experienced hands of Inspector Lestrade, of Scotland Yard, who is following up the clues with his accustomed energy and sagacity.”

Sherlock Holmes listened with closed eyes and fingertips together to this remarkable account.

“The case has certainly some points of interest,” said he, in his languid fashion.  “May I ask, in the first place, Mr. McFarlane, how it is that you are still at liberty, since there appears to be enough evidence to justify your arrest?”

“I live at Torrington Lodge, Blackheath, with my parents, Mr. Holmes, but last night, having to do business very late with Mr. Jonas Oldacre, I stayed at an hotel in Norwood, and came to my business from there.  I knew nothing of this affair until I was in the train, when I read what you have just heard.  I at once saw the horrible danger of my position, and I hurried to put the case into your hands.  I have no doubt that I should have been arrested either at my city office or at my home.  A man followed me from London Bridge Station, and I have no doubt—­Great heaven! what is that?”

It was a clang of the bell, followed instantly by heavy steps upon the stair.  A moment later, our old friend Lestrade appeared in the doorway.  Over his shoulder I caught a glimpse of one or two uniformed policemen outside.

“Mr. John Hector McFarlane?” said Lestrade.

Our unfortunate client rose with a ghastly face.

“I arrest you for the wilful murder of Mr. Jonas Oldacre, of Lower Norwood.”

McFarlane turned to us with a gesture of despair, and sank into his chair once more like one who is crushed.

“One moment, Lestrade,” said Holmes.  “Half an hour more or less can make no difference to you, and the gentleman was about to give us an account of this very interesting affair, which might aid us in clearing it up.”

“I think there will be no difficulty in clearing it up,” said Lestrade, grimly.

“None the less, with your permission, I should be much interested to hear his account.”

“Well, Mr. Holmes, it is difficult for me to refuse you anything, for you have been of use to the force once or twice in the past, and we owe you a good turn at Scotland Yard,” said Lestrade.  “At the same time I must remain with my prisoner, and I am bound to warn him that anything he may say will appear in evidence against him.”

“I wish nothing better,” said our client.  “All I ask is that you should hear and recognize the absolute truth.”

Lestrade looked at his watch.  “I’ll give you half an hour,” said he.

Project Gutenberg
The Return of Sherlock Holmes from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.