A. N. Caudell:
Results of Yale Peruvian Expedition of 1911, Orthoptera
(Exclusive of
Acridiidae). Proceedings of U.S. National
Museum, XLIV, 347-357, 1913.
Ralph V. Chamberlain:
Results of Yale Peruvian Expedition of 1911. The Arachnida. Bulletin of Museum of Comparative Zooelogy at Harvard College, LX, No. 6, 177-299, 1916. 25 pl.
Frank M. Chapman:
The Distribution of Bird Life in the Urubamba Valley
Peru. U.S. National Museum Bulletin 117,
138 pp., 1921. 9 pl., map.
O. F. Cook:
Quichua Names of Sweet Potatoes. Journal of Washington
Academy of
Sciences, VI, No. 4, 86-90, 1916.
Agriculture and Native Vegetation in Peru. Ibid., VI, No. 10, 284-293, 1916. Illus.
Staircase Farms of the Ancients. National Geographic Magazine, XXIX, 474-534, May, 1916. Illus.
Foot-Plow Agriculture in Peru. Smithsonian Report for 1918, 487-491. 4 pl.
Domestication of Animals in Peru. Journal of Heredity, x, 176-181, April, 1919. Illus.
(With Alice C. Cook:)
Polar Bear Cacti. Journal of Heredity, Washington,
D.C., VIII, 113-120,
March, 1917. Illus.
William H. Dall:
Some Landshells Collected by Dr. Hiram Bingham in Peru. Proceedings of U.S. National Museum, XXXVIII, 177-182, 1911. Illus.
Reports on Landshells Collected in Peru in 1911 by
The Yale
Expedition. Smithsonian Misc. Collections,
LIX, No. 14, 12 pp., 1912.
Harrison G. Dyar:
Results of Yale Peruvian Expedition of 1911. Lepidoptera. Proceedings of U.S. National Museum, XLV, 627-649, 1913.
George F. Eaton:
Report on the Remains of Man and Lower Animals from the Vicinity of Cuzco. American Journal of Science, XXXIII, No. 196, 325-333, April, 1912. Illus.
Vertebrate Remains in the Cuzco Gravels. Ibid.,
XXXVI, No. 211, 3-14,
July, 1913. Illus.
Vertebrate Fossils from Ayusbamba, Peru. Ibid., XXXVII, No. 218, 141-154, February, 1914. 3 pl.
The Collection of Osteological Material from Machu Picchu. Trans. Conn. Academy Arts and Sciences, v, 3-96, May, 1916. Illus., 39 pl., map.
William G. Erving, M.D.:
Medical Report of the Yale Peruvian Expedition.
Yale Medical Journal,
XVIII, 325-335, April, 1912. 6 pl.
Alexander W. Evans:
Hepaticae: Yale Peruvian Expedition of 1911. Trans. Conn. Academy Arts and Sciences, XVIII, 291-345, April, 1914.
Harry B. Ferris, M.D.:
The Indians of Cuzco and the Apurimac. Memoirs,
Anthropological Assoc., III, No. 2, 59-148, 1916.
60 pl.
Anthropological Studies on the Quichua and Machiganga Indians. Trans. Conn. Academy Arts and Sciences, XXV, 1-92, April, 1921. 21 pl., map.
Harry W. Foote:
(With W. H. Buell:)
The Composition, Structure and Hardness of some Peruvian
Axes. American Journal of Science, XXXIV, 128-132,
August, 1912. Illus.