The Former Philippines thru Foreign Eyes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 759 pages of information about The Former Philippines thru Foreign Eyes.

The Former Philippines thru Foreign Eyes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 759 pages of information about The Former Philippines thru Foreign Eyes.

[82] Report of the French consul.

[83] Mysore and Mocha coffees fetch the highest prices.  From $20 to $22.50 per cwt. is paid for Mysore; and as much as $30, when it has attained an age of five or six years, for Mocha.

[84] In 1865-66-67 California imported three and one-half, eight and ten million lbs. of coffee, of which two, four and five millions respectively came from Manila.  In 1868 England was the best customer of the Philippines.

[85] Report of the Belgian consul.

[86] Coffee is such an exquisite beverage, and is so seldom properly prepared, that the following hints from a master in the art (Report of the Jury, Internat.  Exhib., Paris, 1868) will not be unwelcome:—­1st.  Select good coffees. 2nd.  Mix them in the proper proportions. 3rd.  Thoroughly dry the beans; otherwise in roasting them a portion of the aroma escapes with the steam. 4th.  Roast them in a dry atmosphere, and roast each quality separately. 5th.  Allow them to cool rapidly.  If it is impossible to roast the beans at home, then purchase only sufficient for each day’s consumption.  With the exception of the fourth, however, it is easy to follow all these directions at home; and small roasting machines are purchasable, in which, with the aid of a spirit lamp, small quantities can be prepared at a time.  It is best, when possible, to buy coffee in large quantities, and keep it stored for two or three years in a dry place.

[87] A creeping, or rather a running fern, nearly the only one of the kind in the whole species.

[88] The official accounts stated that they had kidnapped twenty-one persons in a couple of weeks.

[89] Le Gentil, in his Travels in the Indian Seas, (1761) says:  “The monks are the real rulers of the provinces....  Their power is so unlimited that no Spaniard cares to settle in the neighborhood....  The monks would give him a great deal of trouble.”

[90] St. Croix.

[91] St. Croix.

[92] There are three classes of alcaldeships, namely, entrada, ascenso, and termino (vide Royal Ordinances of March, 1837); in each of which an alcalde must serve for three years.  No official is allowed, under any pretence, to serve more than ten years in any of the Asiatic magistracies.

[93] The law limiting the duration of appointments to this short period dates from the earliest days of Spanish colonization in America.  There was also a variety of minor regulations, based on suspicion, prohibiting the higher officials from mixing in friendly intercourse with the colonists.

[94] A secular priest in the Philippines once related to me, quite of his own accord, what had led him to the choice of his profession.  One day, when he was a non-commissioned officer in the army, he was playing cards with some comrades in a shady balcony.  “See,” cried one of his friends, observing a peasant occupied in tilling the fields in the full heat of the sun, “how the donkey yonder is toiling

Project Gutenberg
The Former Philippines thru Foreign Eyes from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.