Essays of Robert Louis Stevenson eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 193 pages of information about Essays of Robert Louis Stevenson.

Essays of Robert Louis Stevenson eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 193 pages of information about Essays of Robert Louis Stevenson.

But it is not only the person himself who suffers from his busy habits, but his wife and children, his friends and relations, and down to the very people he sits with in a railway carriage or an omnibus.  Perpetual devotion to what a man calls his business, is only to be sustained by perpetual neglect of many other things.  And it is not by any means certain that a man’s business is the most important thing he has to do.  To an impartial estimate it will seem clear that many of the wisest, most virtuous, and most beneficent parts that are to be played upon the Theatre of Life are filled by gratuitous performers, and pass, among the world at large, as phases of idleness.  For in that Theatre not only the walking gentlemen, singing chambermaids, and diligent fiddlers in the orchestra, but those who look on and clap their hands from the benches, do really play a part and fulfil important offices towards the general result.  You are no doubt very dependent on the care of your lawyer and stockbroker, of the guards and signalmen who convey you rapidly from place to place, and the policemen who walk the streets for your protection; but is there not a thought of gratitude in your heart for certain other benefactors who set you smiling when they fall in your way, or season your dinner with good company?  Colonel Newcome helped to lose his friend’s money; Fred Bayham had an ugly trick of borrowing shirts; and yet they were better people to fall among than Mr. Barnes.  And though Falstaff was neither sober nor very honest, I think I could name one or two long-faced Barabbases whom the world could better have done without.  Hazlitt mentions that he was more sensible of obligation to Northcote,[19] who had never done him anything he could call a service, than to his whole circle of ostentatious friends; for he thought a good companion emphatically the greatest benefactor.  I know there are people in the world who cannot feel grateful unless the favour has been done them at the cost of pain and difficulty.  But this is a churlish disposition.  A man may send you six sheets of letter-paper covered with the most entertaining gossip, or you may pass half an hour pleasantly, perhaps profitably, over an article of his; do you think the service would be greater, if he had made the manuscript in his heart’s blood, like a compact with the devil?  Do you really fancy you should be more beholden to your correspondent, if he had been damning you all the while for your importunity?  Pleasures are more beneficial than duties because, like the quality of mercy,[20] they are not strained, and they are twice blest.  There must always be two to a kiss, and there may be a score in a jest; but wherever there is an element of sacrifice, the favour is conferred with pain, and, among generous people, received with confusion.  There is no duty we so much underrate as the duty of being happy.  By being happy, we sow anonymous benefits upon the world, which remain unknown even to ourselves, or when

Project Gutenberg
Essays of Robert Louis Stevenson from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.