Oregon, Washington and Alaska; Sights and Scenes for the Tourist eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 87 pages of information about Oregon, Washington and Alaska; Sights and Scenes for the Tourist.

Oregon, Washington and Alaska; Sights and Scenes for the Tourist eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 87 pages of information about Oregon, Washington and Alaska; Sights and Scenes for the Tourist.

Helena, Mont.—­2 North Main St.—­A.E.  Veazie, City Ticket Agent.

Indianapolis, Ind.—­Room 3 Jackson Place.—­H.O.  Webb, Traveling Passenger

Kansas city, Mo.—­9th and Broadway.—­J.B.  Frawley, Div.  Pass.  Agt. 
  J.B.  Reese, Traveling Passenger Agent. 
  F.S.  Haacke, Traveling Passenger Agent. 
  H.K.  PROUDFIT, City Passenger Agent. 
  T.A.  Shaw, Ticket Agent, 1038 Union Ave. 
  A.W.  Millspaugh, Ticket Agent, Union Depot. 
  C.A.  Whittier, City Ticket Agent, 528 Main St.

Liverpool, England—­23 Water St.—­S.  Stamford Parry, General European

London, England—­THOS.  Cook & Sons, European Passenger Agents, Ludgate

Los Angeles, Cal.—­51 North Spring St.—­John Clark, Agt.  Pass.  Dep’t. 
  A.J.  HECHTMAN, Agent Freight Department.

Louisville, Ky.—­346 West Main St.—­N.  Haight, Traveling Pass.  Agent.

New Orleans, La.—­45 St. Charles St.—­C.B.  Smith, General Agent D., T.
& Ft.  W. R.R. 
  D.M.  Rea, Traveling Agent D., T. & Ft.  W. R.R.

New York city—­287 Broadway—­R.  TENBROECK, General Eastern Agent. 
  J.F.  Wiley, Passenger Agent. 
  F.R.  Seaman, City Passenger Agent.

Ogden, Utah—­Union Depot—­C.A.  Henry, Ticket Agent. 
  C.E.  Ingalls, Traveling Passenger Agent.

Olympia, Wash.—­2d St. Wharf.—­J.C.  Percival, Ticket Agent.

Omaha, neb.—­9th and Farnam Sts.—­M.J.  GREEVY, Trav.  Pass.  Agt. 
  Harry P. Deuel, City Passenger and Ticket Agent, 1302 Farnam St.
  J.K.  Chambers, Depot Ticket Agent, 10th and Marey Sts.

Philadelphia, Pa.—­133 South 4th St.—­D.E.  Burley, Trav.  Pass.  Agt. 
  L.T.  Fowler, Traveling Freight Agent.

Pittsburg, Pa.—­400 Wood St.—­H.E.  Passavant, T. F. and P. A.
  THOS.  S. Spear, Traveling Freight and Passenger Agent.

Portland, ore.—­Cor. 3d and Oak Sts.—­T.W.  Lee, Gen’l Passenger Agent,
Pacific Div. 
  A.L.  Maxwell, General Agent Traffic Department. 
  Harry young, Traveling Passenger Agent. 
  GEO. S. Taylor, City Ticket Agent.  Cor. 1st and Oak Sts.

Port Townsend, Wash.—­Union Wharf—­H.L.  Tibbals, Jr., Ticket Agt.

Pueblo, Colo.—­E.R.  Harding, General Agent D., T. & Ft.  W. R.R.

St. Joseph, Mo.—­F.L.  Lynde, General Pass.  Agent, St. J. & G.I.  R.R.  Div. 
  W.P.  Robinson, Jr., General Freight Agent, St. J. & G.I.  R.R.  Div.

Project Gutenberg
Oregon, Washington and Alaska; Sights and Scenes for the Tourist from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.