Moonfleet eBook

J. Meade Falkner
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 292 pages of information about Moonfleet.

Moonfleet eBook

J. Meade Falkner
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 292 pages of information about Moonfleet.
shod with iron on the outer wall, and there were besides strong bolts and sockets from which ran certain wires whose use I did not know.  Below the balcony was a square garden-plot, shut in with a brick wall, and kept very neat and trim.  There were hollyhocks round the walls, and many-coloured poppies, with many other shrubs and flowers.  My eyes fell on one especially, a tall red-blossomed rushy kind of flower, that I had never seen before; and that seemed indeed to be something out of the common, for it stood in the middle of a little earth-plot, and had the whole bed nearly to itself.

I was looking at this flower, not thinking of it, but wondering all the while whether Mr. Aldobrand would say the diamond was worth ten thousand pounds, or fifty, or a hundred thousand, when I heard him speaking, and turned round quick.  ‘My sons, and you especially, son John,’ he said, and turned to me:  ’this stone that you have brought me is no stone at all, but glass—­or rather paste, for so we call it.  Not but what it is good paste, and perhaps the best that I have seen, and so I had to try it to make sure.  But against high chymic tests no sham can stand; and first it is too light in weight, and second, when rubbed on this Basanus or Black-stone, traces no line of white, as any diamond must.  But, third and last, I have tried it with the hermeneutic proof, and dipped it in this most costly lembic; and the liquor remains pure green and clear, not turbid orange, a diamond leaves it.’

As he spoke the room spun round, and I felt the sickness and heart-sinking that comes with the sudden destruction of long-cherished hope.  So it was all a sham, a bit of glass, for which we had risked our lives.  Blackbeard had only mocked us even in his death, and from rich men we were become the poorest outcasts.  And all the other bright fancies that had been built on this worthless thing fell down at once, like a house of cards.  There was no money now with which to go back rich to Moonfleet, no money to cloak past offences, no money to marry Grace; and with that I gave a sigh, and my knees failing should have fallen had not Elzevir held me.

‘Nay, son John,’ squeaked the old man, seeing I was so put about, ’take it not hardly, for though this is but paste, I say not it is worthless.  It is as fine work as ever I have seen, and I will offer you ten silver crowns for it; which is a goodly sum for a sailor-lad to have in hand, and more than all the other buyers in this town would bid you for it.’

‘Tush, tush,’ cried Elzevir, and I could hear the bitterness and disappointment in his voice, however much he tried to hide it; ’we are not come to beg for silver crowns, so keep them in your purse.  And the devil take this shining sham; we are well quit of it; there is a curse upon the thing!’ And with that he caught up the stone and flung it away out of the window in his anger.

This brought the diamond-buyer to his feet in a moment.  ’You fool, you cursed fool!’ he shrieked, ’are you come here to beard me? and when I say the thing is worth ten silver crowns do you fling it to the winds?’

Project Gutenberg
Moonfleet from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.