Moonfleet eBook

J. Meade Falkner
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 292 pages of information about Moonfleet.

Moonfleet eBook

J. Meade Falkner
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 292 pages of information about Moonfleet.

‘From Moonfleet, in Dorset,’ he repeated to himself, as he finished writing my answer.  ‘And how did John Trenchard come by this?’ and he tapped the diamond as it lay on the table before him.

Then Elzevir broke in quickly, fearing no doubt lest I should be betrayed into saying more:  ’Nay, sir, we are not come to play at questions and answers, but to know whether your worship will buy this diamond, and at what price.  We have no time to tell long histories, and so must only say that we are English sailors, and that the stone is fairly come by.’  And he let his fingers play with the diamond on the table, as if he feared it might slip away from him.

‘Softly, softly,’ said the old man; ’all stones are fairly come by; but had you told me whence you got this, I might have spared myself some tedious tests, which now I must crave pardon for making.’

He opened a cupboard in the panelling, and took out from it a little pair of scales, some crystals, a blackstone, and a bottle full of a green liquid.  Then he sat down again, drew the diamond gently from Elzevir’s fingers, which were loth to part with it, and began using his scales; balancing the diamond carefully, now against a crystal, now against some small brass weights.  I stood with my back to the sunset, watching the red light fall upon this old man as he weighed the diamond, rubbed it on the black-stone, or let fall on it a drop of the liquor, and so could see the wonder and emotion fade away from his face, and only hard craftiness left in it.

I watched him meddling till I could bear to watch no longer, feeling a fierce feverish suspense as to what he might say, and my pulse beating so quick that I could scarce stand still.  For was not the decisive moment very nigh when we should know, from these parched-up lips, the value of the jewel, and whether it was worth risking life for, whether the fabric of our hopes was built on sure foundation or on slippery sand?  So I turned my back on the diamond merchant, and looked out of the window, waiting all the while to catch the slightest word that might come from his lips.

I have found then and at other times that in such moments, though the mind be occupied entirely by one overwhelming thought, yet the eyes take in, as it were unwittingly, all that lies before them, so that we can afterwards recall a face or landscape of which at the time we took no note.  Thus it was with me that night, for though I was thinking of nothing but the jewel, yet I noted everything that could be seen through the window, and the recollection was of use to me later on.  The window was made in the French style, reaching down to the floor, and opening like a door with two leaves.  It led on to a little balcony, and now stood open (for the day was still very hot), and on the wall below was trained a pear-tree, which half-embowered the balcony with its green leaves.  The window could be well protected in case of need, having latticed wooden blinds inside, and heavy shutters

Project Gutenberg
Moonfleet from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.