The Way of Peace eBook

James Allen (author)
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 63 pages of information about The Way of Peace.

The Way of Peace eBook

James Allen (author)
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 63 pages of information about The Way of Peace.
Great Law; knowing the origin of sorrow; knowing the secret of suffering; knowing the way of emancipation in Truth, how can such a one engage in strife or condemnation; for though he knows that the blind, self-seeking world, surrounded with the clouds of its own illusions, and enveloped in the darkness of error and self, cannot perceive the steadfast Light of Truth, and is utterly incapable of comprehending the profound simplicity of the heart that has died, or is dying, to self, yet he also knows that when the suffering ages have piled up mountains of sorrow, the crushed and burdened soul of the world will fly to its final refuge, and that when the ages are completed, every prodigal will come back to the fold of Truth.  And so he dwells in goodwill toward all, and regards all with that tender compassion which a father bestows upon his wayward children.

Men cannot understand Truth because they cling to self, because they believe in and love self, because they believe self to be the only reality, whereas it is the one delusion.

When you cease to believe in and love self you will desert it, and will fly to Truth, and will find the eternal Reality.

When men are intoxicated with the wines of luxury, and pleasure, and vanity, the thirst of life grows and deepens within them, and they delude themselves with dreams of fleshly immortality, but when they come to reap the harvest of their own sowing, and pain and sorrow supervene, then, crushed and humiliated, relinquishing self and all the intoxications of self, they come, with aching hearts to the one immortality, the immortality that destroys all delusions, the spiritual immortality in Truth.

Men pass from evil to good, from self to Truth, through the dark gate of sorrow, for sorrow and self are inseparable.  Only in the peace and bliss of Truth is all sorrow vanquished.  If you suffer disappointment because your cherished plans have been thwarted, or because someone has not come up to your anticipations, it is because you are clinging to self.  If you suffer remorse for your conduct, it is because you have given way to self.  If you are overwhelmed with chagrin and regret because of the attitude of someone else toward you, it is because you have been cherishing self.  If you are wounded on account of what has been done to you or said of you, it is because you are walking in the painful way of self.  All suffering is of self.  All suffering ends in Truth.  When you have entered into and realized Truth, you will no longer suffer disappointment, remorse, and regret, and sorrow will flee from you.

    “Self is the only prison that can ever bind the soul;
    Truth is the only angel that can bid the gates unroll;
    And when he comes to call thee, arise and follow fast;
    His way may lie through darkness, but it leads to light at last.”

The woe of the world is of its own making.  Sorrow purifies and deepens the soul, and the extremity of sorrow is the prelude to Truth.

Project Gutenberg
The Way of Peace from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.