Children of the Frost eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 185 pages of information about Children of the Frost.

Children of the Frost eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 185 pages of information about Children of the Frost.

“That which be given cannot be taken away,” she burst forth.  “I was but a girl when this Stranger Man, who is my man, came among us.  And I knew not men, or the ways of men, and my heart was in the play of girls, when thou, Tantlatch, thou and none other, didst call me to thee and press me into the arms of the Stranger Man.  Thou and none other, Tantlatch; and as thou didst give me to the man, so didst thou give the man to me.  He is my man.  In my arms has he slept, and from my arms he cannot be taken.”

“It were well, O Tantlatch,” Keen followed quickly, with a significant glance at Thom, “it were well to remember that that which be given cannot be taken away.”

Chugungatte straightened up.  “Out of thy youth, Keen, come the words of thy mouth.  As for ourselves, O Tantlatch, we be old men and we understand.  We, too, have looked into the eyes of women and felt our blood go hot with strange desires.  But the years have chilled us, and we have learned the wisdom of the council, the shrewdness of the cool head and hand, and we know that the warm heart be over-warm and prone to rashness.  We know that Keen found favor in thy eyes.  We know that Thom was promised him in the old days when she was yet a child.  And we know that the new days came, and the Stranger Man, and that out of our wisdom and desire for welfare was Thom lost to Keen and the promise broken.”

The old shaman paused, and looked directly at the young man.

“And be it known that I, Chugungatte, did advise that the promise be broken.”

“Nor have I taken other woman to my bed,” Keen broke in.  “And I have builded my own fire, and cooked my own food, and ground my teeth in my loneliness.”

Chugungatte waved his hand that he had not finished.  “I am an old man and I speak from understanding.  It be good to be strong and grasp for power.  It be better to forego power that good come out of it.  In the old days I sat at thy shoulder, Tantlatch, and my voice was heard over all in the council, and my advice taken in affairs of moment.  And I was strong and held power.  Under Tantlatch I was the greatest man.  Then came the Stranger Man, and I saw that he was cunning and wise and great.  And in that he was wiser and greater than I, it was plain that greater profit should arise from him than from me.  And I had thy ear, Tantlatch, and thou didst listen to my words, and the Stranger Man was given power and place and thy daughter, Thom.  And the tribe prospered under the new laws in the new days, and so shall it continue to prosper with the Stranger Man in our midst.  We be old men, we two, O Tantlatch, thou and I, and this be an affair of head, not heart.  Hear my words, Tantlatch!  Hear my words!  The man remains!”

Project Gutenberg
Children of the Frost from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.