Ber. And from thys mercye I will new create In me a spyrrytt full of humblenes.
Enter La Fue in gallantrye.
Fue. Roame there & uncover, gentyllmen. I that am myne owne gentyllman usher am the best gentyllman in Fraunce at thys present. Give place & avoyde these.
Bus. What meanes the peasant? syrha, are you madd?
Fue. Yes, and I were halfe nakt as you are. Roame I say!—O my sweete harte, I will [Offers to kisse Charli.] kysse thy whyte lipps in the syght of thys whole assemblye.
Char. Avaunte, I say! what meanes thys lunatycke.
Tur. Pore sott howe hees deceyvd! th’inchauntments vanyshed.— Syrha learne better manners.
Fue. How! syrha to my greatnes! I am not in case to carrye your tokens. Ould man, you had better manners when last I lefte you.—Come, sweete love, I will love thee without more intreatye. Let us withdrawe & in pryvate rumynat our selves together.
Char. Is there no whypps for knaves are impudent? Thys sawcynes will make your skynne [to] smarte.
Fue. Away, away! Y’are an ould man & should be wyse. I tell you I was not in love with you tyll you doated on me; to drawe me into a fooles paradysse[104] & there leave me is not an honest man’s parte nor a good chrystyans.
Char. What kynde of madnes call you thys? for shame! Shall I be torturd with hym?
Tur. Tys but a rude grosse weaknes, which anon Ile shoe at full unto your majestie.
Fue. Come, sweete Charles, I knowe thou lovest me, & love will creepe where it cannot goe. Come, letts condole together.
Char. Yes, if I like your example. Goe presentlye And give him fortye lashes: make hym bleede Soundlye, away with hym!
Fue. Howe, howe, how! fortye lashes! so I shall bleede to deathe. Call you that soundlye? Foote! I am sicke with thought on’t.
Char. Away with hym! And if a prate, see that you dooble them: Away!
Fue. Well I will never trust the wooeinge of a great man whylst I live agayne: & they be as false to weomen as to men they have sweete eeles to hould by.
Char. Yet has a leave to prate?
Tur. Away with hym, —But on your lives give hym no punyshment.
[Ex. Fue. & guard.
Char. I have not seene a madnes of thys
But let him smarte for’t.—Eudon,
give comand
That Ganelon attend me presentlye.
But, stay—
What sollemp sound is thys? I am prevented.
[Dead marche.]—Funeral
sounde. Enter Orlando,
Reinaldo leading Ganelon, Oliver, Didier; two
herses, one with Eldegr. & Gab., the other Richard.
The cause of thys?