Oli. As I respect myne honor I will meete you.
Rei. Are you agreed?
Oli. Yes, sir.
Orl. Away and shape our purposse.
[Ex. all but Richard.
Rich. Tys put to tryall; but I doe suspecte
Theire whysprynge plotts. Thys equall hazard
Shadowe the meanynge of some certayne danger,
The rather synce Reinaldo seconds it.
I must see Ganelon & speake theise douts:
This quarrell most concerns hym, for the wronge
And capytall abuse toucht onlye hym.
I gave a constant promyse never more
To vyssytt hym without the emperours leave,
And yet I will adventure. He may guesse
At secrett workings & confyrme my feare.
Thys nighte I will adventure, & obay
As he shall fashyion me to meete or stay.
Actus 5.
[SCENE 1.]
Enter Eldegrade & Didier.
Eld. What, have you vyssyted my greived sonne?
Did. Madam, I have.
Eld. And you are reconcyld? you see hys
Is made of meltinge waxe & not of marble.
Faythe, twas a harde parte; you have brought us lowe,
Lowe as the earthe we treade on, but Ile ceasse
Further reitteratyon: synce hees pleasd
To burye all, I wilbe patyent;
You knowe I ever lovd you & you have
Doone me most worthye, honest offyces.
Did. And many more will dedycatt unto
My lorde & I am reconcyld at full
And have disburdend all our greivances.
I doe confes I was bewytcht with fate
But will redeeme myne error; synce I knowe
He loves me nowe more then he did before,
I will deserv’t so bravely you shall call
And sweare I am a noble instrument.
Eld. You trust hys protestatyons then?
Did. Madam, or ells I were an Infidell.
[Eld.] ... ... ... ... ...
And I could chyde my love that pytties you.
He dothe dissemble with you; you are lost.
Of myne owne knowlege he hathe layd suche baytts
You cannot live twoe howers. Goe where you will,
He hathe a plott that haunts you. If you can
Fynde for your selfe any preventyon,
Use it with quycke indevor; for I knowe
The thunder speaks that presentlye will splytt you.
Did. You doe amaze me.
Eld. And like the chaesd Roe stand in
that amaze
Tyll the hounds catche you. What I speake
Is to prevent your present tragedye
And to blott murder from my Ganelon.
Be wise. [Ex. Eldegrad.
Did. Am I then noosd! will styll my villanous
Betray me to mysfortune, am I lymed!
What shall I doe? flight will not nowe avayle me.
I knowe hys projects like hys mallyce runns
To everye place of hoped securytie.
I have’t: thys key, which I have choycelye