Studies in Civics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 401 pages of information about Studies in Civics.

Studies in Civics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 401 pages of information about Studies in Civics.

5.  What is money?  Is a bank bill money?  Read one and see whether it pretends to be.  What gold coins have you ever seen?  What others have you heard of?  What silver coins have you ever seen?  What others have you heard of?  What other coins have you seen or heard of?  How are coins made?  Where is the United States mint located?  Where are the branch mints?  How much value does the stamp of the government add to a piece of gold?  Is there a dollar’s worth of silver in a silver dollar?  Why? (See Jevons’ Money and the Mechanism of Exchange.)

How are national banks organized? (See appendix.) Under what constitutional provision does congress exercise this power?  Are any banks organized under state authority?  What is meant by “legal tender?”

Are foreign coins “legal tender” at the rate fixed by congress?  For the value of the principal foreign coins, see appendix.  Can congress punish counterfeiting of these coins?

Is there a standard pound in this state?  A standard bushel?

6.  Look on the back of a greenback for the law about counterfeiting.  Is there any law against passing counterfeits?

7.  When was our postoffice department established?  Who was placed at the head of it?  Who is the postmaster general?  What is meant by “presidential offices” in speaking of postoffices?  What are the present rates of postage in the United States?  How much does it cost to send a letter to England?  To Prussia?  To Australia?  When were postage stamps introduced?  Stamped envelopes?  Postal cards?  In what four ways may money be sent by mail?  Explain the workings and advantages of each method.  What is the dead letter office?

What is meant by the franking privilege?  Find the rates of postage in the United States, in 1795, 1815, 1845, 1850, 1860.  Does the power to establish post roads, authorize congress to make internal improvements?  What is meant by “star route?”

8.  Is this book copyrighted?  Name some book that is not copyrighted.  What things besides books are copyrighted?  Can a copyright be sold?  How is a copyright secured?  How long do copyrights continue in force?  How may they be renewed?  Must new editions be copyrighted?

What is a patent?  How are “letters patent” secured?  How may an inventor secure time to perfect his invention?  How can a patent be sold?  May a person, not the patentee, make a patented article for his own use?  Name ten important patented inventions.  What is the purpose of the government in granting patents?  Is this always secured?  How does the expiration of a patent affect the price of an invention?  If a person invents an article which proves helpful to millions of people, is it unfair that he should make a fortune out of it?

9.  By what authority does congress organize courts in the territories?  Could congress establish more than one Supreme Court?  Name the United States District Judge for this state.  The United States Attorney.  The United States Marshal.  If you had a claim against the United States how would you get your money?

Project Gutenberg
Studies in Civics from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.