Studies in Civics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 401 pages of information about Studies in Civics.

Studies in Civics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 401 pages of information about Studies in Civics.

1.  In what two ways may the first part of the first clause be interpreted?  In what ways does the government levy taxes?  How much of the money paid to the local treasurer goes to the United States?  Have you ever paid a U.S. tax?  Did you ever buy a pound of nails?  Do you remember the “stamps” that used to be on match boxes?  How came they there?  Was that a direct or an indirect tax?  A man who pays for a glass of beer or whisky pays a U.S. tax.  How?  Every time a person buys a cigar he pays a U.S. tax.  If there be a cigar factory within reach, talk with the proprietor about this matter.  Look at a cigar box and a beer keg to find some evidence of the tax paid.  Name some things which were taxed a few years ago but are not now.  What is a custom house?  A port of entry?  What are they for?  Name the port of entry nearest to you.  What is the present income of the United States from all kinds of taxation?  What is done with the money?  Look up the derivation of the word tariff.

2. How does the government “borrow?” Does the government owe you any money?  If you have a “greenback,” read its face.  If the government is unable or unwilling to pay a creditor, what can he do?  What is the “credit” of the United States?  How much does the United States government owe, and in what form is the debt?  How came it to be so large?  Is the government paying it up?  How much has been paid this fiscal year?  What rate of interest has the government to pay?  What is the current rate for private borrowers?  How is it that the government can borrow at so low a rate?  What is a “bond-call,” and how is it made?

3.  Has congress power to prohibit commerce with one or more foreign nations?  Has it power to regulate commerce carried on wholly within a state?  Can you buy lands from the Indians?  Can the state?  Has congress imposed a tariff to be paid in going from one state to another?  What has requiring the engineer of a steamboat to secure a government license to do with “regulating commerce?” When did congress under this clause prohibit American merchant ships from leaving port?  Under what provision of the constitution does congress impose restrictions upon the railroads?  Does congress exercise any control over railroads lying wholly within one state?  Why?

4.  How can an alien become naturalized?  Who are citizens of the United States? (See Amend.  XIV.) Is a child of American parents, born during a temporary absence from this country, a citizen or an alien?  An alien living in this country has children born here; are they citizens or aliens?  A child is born on the ocean, while its parents are on the way here to found a new home and intending to become citizens; what is the status of the child?  Are you a citizen?  How may female aliens become citizens?  Why should they desire to do so?  How did citizens of Texas at the time of its admission become citizens of the United States?

What is an insolvent law?  Has this state such a law?  Can this state pass a bankrupt law?  Can any state?  Why?  Is there any United States bankrupt law?  Has congress ever passed such a law?

Project Gutenberg
Studies in Civics from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.