Studies in Civics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 401 pages of information about Studies in Civics.

Studies in Civics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 401 pages of information about Studies in Civics.
=========+ | | Lower House | | | +--------------+-----------+-----+---------------+ | | |How Composed. |Election |Term |Qualifications |Salaries | +===+==============+===========+=====+===============+======
====+ |1 |40 Austrians, |State Leg. | | | | | |40 Hungarians | | | | | |2 |353 |People |6 | |$1780, yr | |3 |445 |” |3 | | | |4 |136, one for |” |4 |25,c,r |$84, m h | | | 40,000 inh | | | | | |5 |102 |” |3 |25,r |$4, day | |6 |557 |” |4 |25,c |$1780, yr | |7 |397 |” |3 | | | |8 |433 |People |3 |30,c | | | | | indirectly| | | | |9 |658 |People |7 |21,c |None | | | | indirectly| | | | |10 |508, one for |” |5 |30,V,P |None | | | 40,000 inh | | | | | |11 | 86, one for |” |3 | |$830, yr | | | 45,000 inh | | | | | |12 |One for |” |5 |25 | | | | 50,000 inh | | | | | |13 | 64, town, |” |3 |21,P | | | |140, country | | | | | |14 |3/4 of |People |3 | | | | | Storthing | indirectly| | | | |15 |135, one for |People |3 |Voter |$2.50, dy | | | 20,000 inh | | | | | |16 |50 |” | | |$1040, yr | |17 |66, one for |” |2 | | | | | 50,000 inh | | | | | |18 |331, one for |” |2 |25,r,8 | | | | 80,000 inh | | | | | |19 |122 |People |4 |N,P | | | | | indirectly| | | | +===+==============+===========+=====+===============+======

[Transcriber’s Note:  Perhaps because of a poor scan, I cannot find the places where footnotes 1 and 2 are referenced.]

[Footnote 1:  The Chancellor is responsible only to the Emperor.  The administration is through the Bundesrath in seven standing committees.]

[Footnote 2:  These appointees must have held high office, or be eminent in science, literature or art, or pay annual taxes of at least $600.]

[Footnote 3:  Sweden and Norway form a F.H.M.]

Project Gutenberg
Studies in Civics from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.