The Store Boy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 191 pages of information about The Store Boy.

The Store Boy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 191 pages of information about The Store Boy.

“By no means.  I am going into the smoking car to smoke a cigar.  Ben, I will be back soon.”

“I didn’t expect to meet you so far from Pentonville,” said Ben’s new companion, unable to suppress his curiosity.

“I don’t live in Pentonville now.”

“Where then?”

“In the city of New York.”

“Are you employed there?”

“Yes; but I am just returning from a trip to Western Pennsylvania.”

“Did you go on business?”


“Well, you are getting on, for a country boy.  What do you hear from home?”

“My mother is well, but I fancy that is not what you mean.”

“Yes, I am interested about your mother.  Has she yet paid off that mortgage on her cottage?”

“How did you know there was a mortgage,” asked Ben, in surprise.

“I know more than you suppose.  What are the chances that she will be able to pay?”

“They are very small,” answered Ben, gravely, “but the money is not yet due.”

“When will it be due?”

“In about six weeks.”

“Squire Davenport will foreclose—­I know him well enough for that.”

“So I suppose,” said Ben, soberly.

“Is there no friend who will oblige you with the money?”

“I don’t know of anyone I should feel at liberty to call on.”

It came into his mind that Mrs. Hamilton was abundantly able to help them, but she did not know his mother, and it would savor of presumption for him to ask so great a favor.  True, he had effected a most profitable sale for her, but that was only in the line of his faithful duty, and gave him no claim upon his employer.

“I thought, perhaps, the gentlemen you were traveling with—­the one who has gone info the smoking-car—­might—­”

“He is only a business acquaintance; I have known him less than a week.”

“To be sure, that alters matters.  He is not your employer, then?”


“Then I believe I shall have to help you myself.”

Ben stared at his companion in amazement.  What! this man who had robbed him of a dollar only four weeks before, to offer assistance in so important a matter!

“I suppose you are joking,” said he, after a pause.

“Joking!  Far from it.  I mean just what I say.  If Squire Davenport undertakes to deprive your mother of her home, I will interfere, and, you will see, with effect.”

“Would you mind explaining to me how you would help us?” asked Ben.

“Yes, in confidence, it being understood that I follow my own course in the matter.”

“That is fair enough.”

“Suppose I tell you, then, that Squire Davenport—­I believe that is the title he goes by in your village—­owes your mother more than the amount of the mortgage.”

“Is this true?” said Ben, much surprised.

“It is quite true.”

“But how can it be?”

Project Gutenberg
The Store Boy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.