The Store Boy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 191 pages of information about The Store Boy.

The Store Boy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 191 pages of information about The Store Boy.

After supper, Conrad went into his mother’s room.

“Our plan’s working well, mother,” he said, rubbing his hands.

“Yes, Conrad, it is.  Cousin Hamilton is very angry with the boy.  She scarcely spoke a word to him.”

“He won’t stay long, I’ll be bound.  Can’t you suggest, mother, that he had better be dismissed at once?”

“No, Conrad; we have done all that is needed.  We can trust Cousin Hamilton to deal with him.  She will probably keep him for a short time, till she can get along without his services.”

“It’s lucky he lost the letter.  Cousin Hamilton will think he never received any.”

So the precious pair conferred together.  It was clear that Ben had two dangerous and unscrupulous enemies in the house.

It was all very well to anticipate revenge upon Ben, and his summary dismissal, but this did not relieve Conrad from his pecuniary embarrassments.  As a general thing, his weekly allowance was spent by the middle of the week.  Ben had refused to lend money, and there was no one else he could call upon.  Even if our hero was dismissed, there seemed likely to be no improvement in this respect.

At this juncture, Conrad was, unfortunately, subjected to a temptation which proved too strong for him.

Mrs. Hamilton was the possessor of an elegant opera glass, which she had bought some years previous in Paris at a cost of fifty dollars.  Generally, when not in use, she kept it locked up in a bureau drawer.  It so happened, however, that it had been left out on a return from a matinee, and lay upon her desk, where it attracted the attention of Conrad.

It was an unlucky moment, for he felt very hard up.  He wished to go to the theater in the evening with a friend, but had no money.

It flashed upon him that he could raise a considerable sum on the opera glass at Simpson’s, a well-known pawnbroker on the Bowery, and he could, without much loss of time, stop there on his way down to business.

Scarcely giving himself time to think, he seized the glass and thrust it into the pocket of his overcoat.  Then, putting on his coat, he hurried from the house.

Arrived at the pawnbroker’s, he produced the glass, and asked: 

“How much will you give me on this?”

The attendant looked at the glass, and then at Conrad.

“This is a very valuable glass,” he said.  “Is it yours?”

“No,” answered Conrad glibly.  “It belongs to a lady in reduced circumstances, who needs to raise money.  She will be able to redeem it soon.”

“Did she send you here?”


“We will loan you twenty dollars on it.  Will that be satisfactory?”

“Quite so,” answered Conrad, quite elated at the sum, which exceeded his anticipations.

“Shall we make out the ticket to you or the lady?”

“To me.  The lady does not like to have her name appear in the matter.”

Project Gutenberg
The Store Boy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.