Plays eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 309 pages of information about Plays.

Plays eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 309 pages of information about Plays.

TATYANA.  I’ve already forgotten it.  Your words didn’t hurt me so much as that you didn’t even look at me to-day.

ARKHIP.  Well, now they’ve made up!  What’s the use of thrashing over old scandals!  Now kiss, as you should.  Now everything will go on as it ought.

TATYANA.  We won’t fuss over that, grandfather.  I’ll be very glad to.  I wanted to long ago, but I didn’t know how it would please Lev Rodionych.

KRASNOV.  If it’s a pleasure to you, it’s a double one for me! [They kiss each other.

LUKERYA.  I’ve always marvelled, Lev Rodionych, to see how sister loves you.

KRASNOV.  What’s there to marvel at?

LUKERYA.  I know her, Lev Rodionych, better than you do.  She’s of a quiet temperament and can’t tell you everything; but you just ought to know what her real feelings are.

KRASNOV.  That makes it more pleasant still.

LUKERYA.  She would have liked to tell you how much she loved you; but she’s so timid that she can’t.

KRASNOV. [To his wife] Why are you timid with me?  I’m only an ordinary man.

LUKERYA.  We are so naturally.

KRASNOV. [To his wife] Then be kind enough not to be afraid of me in the future.  That would trouble my conscience.  Am I a bogie?

TATYANA.  I’ll not be afraid of you any more, Lev Rodionych; I’ll love you.

LUKERYA.  Other women would make you all sorts of promises that they didn’t mean a bit, but my sister—­she’s different.

KRASNOV.  Now I can understand you.  There were times when I didn’t know just how to approach you—­whether you’d be pleased or not!

TATYANA.  You always please me.

AFONYA.  Come, Grandfather Arkhip, let’s go out on the street!

ARKHIP.  As you wish; come on!  Now, thank God, we again have peace and love.  It’s good when there’s agreement in the house!  It’s good, children, good! [Going out] The demon has vanished under the earth, and God walks on the earth! [Goes out.

LUKERYA.  I just looked in here and now I must go somewhere else. [Goes out.



KRASNOV. [Sitting down on the bench] Ah, Tatyana Danilovna, if God would only grant that we might live our entire lives in such harmony as now!

TATYANA. [Sitting down beside him] We will.

KRASNOV.  If you were always so kind, you could fairly twist me round your finger.  You can do anything with me by kindness, Tatyana Danilovna.

TATYANA. [Placing her hand on his shoulder] I don’t need anything from you; I’m satisfied with everything.  But don’t think ill of me.  Why were you so jealous?

Project Gutenberg
Plays from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.